way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

6 Read the text about how friendships can change. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–O) for each gap (1–12). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. b Unit 01 | Old friends and new friends Friendships can change by Peter S. 13 September Many young people find that friendship and peer group issues are the worst causes of stress. There’s so much anxiety and emotion around that it’s not surprising when even good friends sometimes (0) the wrong thing or don’t notice the effect of their words. Friendships change – because you’re all changing. Break-ups and arguments can (1) horribly. So my advice is: focus on the people who make you (2) good and ignore those who upset you. Though who you are is always changing, especially during your teenage years, some aspects of your personality will stay pretty much the same. Figure out what these things are and (3) hard about who you want to be, then present yourself honestly and genuinely (4) the people you hang around with. Be a good friend, but if your friends aren’t always there for you, know that this may be because of a problem they (5) , and that it’s not necessarily your fault. We’re all in a bad mood at times. If you want to hang out (6) a friend and they’re moody, just ask what’s (7) with them. If they’re not prepared to say, tell them you’re there for them, but you’ll (8) them later. Try to tune in to ‘normal’ bad moods compared to when something really serious is going (9) . If your friend seems troubled and this goes on and on, ask if you can help. If you’re really worried (10) them, talk to a trusted teacher, peer counsellor, school counsellor, or one of your parents. It’s tough but sometimes so-called friends turn on us, drop us, just don’t (11) to know us or have us in their lives any more. But remember this probably has something to do with them, and although it’s hard, don’t (12) it personally. Every stage of life brings new friendships and nothing is forever. What hurts today will heal soon. A about E hurt I sing M up B feel F on J take N want C for G say K think O with D have H see L to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv