way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

59 0 The ISS is A a piece of space junk floating around the Earth. B the largest man-made object in the Earth’s orbit. C only visible with a telescope. D an object that doesn’t move. 1 The crew of the ISS A must always consist of six people. B sometimes leave the space station unmanned. C carry out more than just research. D spend most of their time playing in microgravity. 2 Living and working in space A can be learned whilst doing scientific research. B takes some getting used to. C isn’t so much different to living and working on Earth. D is something astronauts never have difficulties with. 3 Crews use salt and pepper in liquid form so that A they won’t get into the astronauts’ nose and mouth. B the space food becomes easier to swallow. C they take up less storage space. D they can be stored for longer. 4 Astronauts sleep in a sleeping bag A floating anywhere they like. B floating inside their small cabin. C attached to one another. D attached somewhere in their small cabin. 5 Water cleaning systems from the ISS A have been used to help people in need on Earth. B usually end up as space junk orbiting Earth. C had an influence on the development of robotic arms. D were first developed in areas with no clean water. 6 Being an astronaut on the ISS A pays the same as a high-level job in business. B doesn’t have any good sides. C is certainly a dream job for everyone. D brings with it the satisfaction of making a difference. Read the eight definitions below. Match a word from the text to each definition. Definitions Words a what you can see from a certain place b made by people; unnatural c the largest amount or number possible d something that is not solid e the outside/top part of something f fixed/small in number g to take something away h a great comfort or pleasure b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verla s öbv