way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

54 Unit 10 This is home Watch the beginning of the documentary on living in Hong Kong again (see your coursebook, p. 137), then complete the sentences below. LISTENING + VIEWING 1 7j9ci2 BBC 04 Unit 10 | This is home 1 erdobom bedroom 2 oksfobleh 3 tihenck 4 irhac 5 ksed 6 lebat 7 berodraw 8 tinruefur 9 rallce 10 morothab Describing rooms Unscramble the words below. They are all words for places and things you might find in your home. LANGUAGE 2 It’s no wonder Hong Kong claims to be the world’s tallest (1) residential city. So many people and not enough space, building homes higher into the sky was this city’s only option. Hong Kong truly is a city without ground. It’s a fact. Having been built on very (2) slopes, on land that’s been reclaimed from the sea, and on the incredible density which makes it very hard to get around your (3) , your bus terminals and your other types of infrastructure. Built on the side of a mountain, Hong Kong is effectively Manhattan on a forty-five degree (4) . So you can enter on the (5) floor down at Queens Road, get in an elevator, ride it up to the 17 th floor and exit on the ground floor again at Kennedy Road. It’s the only city in the world where you can live most of your life without setting foot on what used to be called the (6) . In place of a ground, Hong Kong has a dense three- dimensional (7) connectivity. It’s a network. Escalators, lifts and raised walkways weave through the (8) of high-rise buildings. You can walk through shopping malls to hotel lobbies, corporate towers, to (9) parks, several (10) without ever stepping onto what you could legitimately call a ground. It may be unusual, but it doesn’t stop more and more (11) from moving here. Every year the (12) for living space in Hong Kong (13) . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv