way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

50 Unit 09 | Out and about Read the travel blog about a visit to London. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–I) for each gap (1–6). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 4 Anna_G What a busy day! To start off, I could barely sleep last night because of the hard bed we slept in (can’t say I don’t miss my own bed from home!) and because of my excitement at touring London for the first time! I’ve always wanted to visit London, and I’m finally here! After Jim and I had got ready in our tiny room, we (0) . The tea and pastries were delicious, and they made amazing pancakes! We asked the concierge about some hot spots she recommended, and with our list and map in hand, we were off! Since our hotel is in a great central spot, we (1) . First, we wanted to see about getting tickets for a show in the evening since London theatre is top-notch. Then we (2) . What an experience! We wanted to try out London’s public transportation, and after having a hard time figuring out which way to go and which stop to take, we finally asked some locals, who were very friendly and helpful. The tube wasn’t very crowded, which was nice, and it wasn’t that far, which was doubly nice! Talking about the future What will happen next? Complete the sentences about the future. Use the verbs in the box in the correct form (present simple or continuous, will or be going to ). Sometimes there is more than one correct answer. arrive  fall asleep  find  get  go  leave  make  pick  visit LANGUAGE 3 (1) I’m going to visit my friends in Denmark. The bus (2) in about half an hour. I think I only need a one-way ticket because I might go to England next. I (3) on the bus, I usually do. Then my friends (4) me up in Copenhagen. I hope the bus (5) on time so they don’t have to wait. Our hiking tour isn’t going so well. We decided not to go on a guided walk, but now we’re lost. I’m sure we (6) the right way again. I hope we (7) back before it gets dark! We (8) for another walk tomorrow and we (9) sure we pay more attention then. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv