way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

5 Fill in the missing letters to complete the sentences about what a good friend is like. A good friend is … 1 … someone who will su          you, no ma        what. 2 … someone you c    t        . 3 … someone who is ki    and res          your wishes. 4 … someone wh      company y    enjoy. 5 … someone who wi    cry wh    you cry. 6 … someone who c    laugh wh    you d  . 7 … someone who st      around wh    things g    tough. 8 … someone who ma      you smi    . 9 … someone who is th      to lis      . 10 … someone who is will      to te    you t    truth, ev    if it’s ha    . 11 … someone who won’t ma    you fe    bad or hu    your feel        . 3 Match the expressions on the left with the correct explanations on the right. There are two extra explanations that you should not use. LANGUAGE IN USE 4 a 1 peer group 2 issue 3 fault 4 genuine 5 anxiety 6 to take something personally 7 to be in a bad mood 8 counsellor 9 to drop someone a to stop being friends with somebody b a group of people of the same age or profession c to think that something is your fault or mistake and to feel bad about this d someone who is trained to help people with their problems e a mistake; something bad or unpleasant for which you are responsible f to feel sad or angry g real, not false h an important meeting i to be kind j something that people discuss k an uncomfortable feeling of worry that something bad will happen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv