way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

47 Ms McDonald is giving advice to her students on doing research. Read what she thinks they should and shouldn’t do. Some words are missing. Choose the correct part (A–N) for each gap (1–11). Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 8 Looking at Whitehall’s website, you have come across the following blog post by one of its students. WRITING 9 “Right, everyone, you’re going to be doing some research to find out about more strange laws around the world. I would (0) you to look at more than one source so that you have lots of information to (1) into your report. Make detailed notes and keep a record of the sources you use so you can give (2) to the author. It’s a popular topic, so you will find lots of facts and won’t have to (3) to find information. Remember, your teachers will (4) your writing style and will know if you have simply decided to (5) copy and the information into your report. Most schools will not (6) plagiarism, and many of them will (7) students by giving them a zero for their work. If you (8) , you will only have yourself to (9) . So make sure you (10) and get good marks by being honest – don’t (11) someone else’s ideas!” A blame E encourage I punish M succeed B cheat F incorporate J realise N tolerate C credit G paste K recognise D cut H plagiarise L struggle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 E Mary_Ann Copying from the internet is not a crime! ... Even some of the teachers copy and paste from the internet without naming the source. So I feel it’s unfair that students who just copy a few sentences get bad marks … You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should:  give your opinion on copying from the internet  say why some students copy from the internet  describe what happens if teachers find out about it Write around 200 words. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv