way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

46 Unit 08 | Rules – make or break? Read the email from Sam to his friend Phillip. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–10). (Think of suitable prefixes and/or suffixes.) Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 Hi Phillip, Sorry I haven’t written for a while, but I’ve been really busy. I’ve been having some trouble with my (0) (possible) parents! They have been complaining that we need to have a (1) (view) of our house rules. Well, this now means I have some (2) (bear) chores to do every day. Firstly, they aren’t happy when I (3) (appear) to my room straight after meals, so now I have to clear away all the plates, which takes an (4) (credible) long time. Secondly, they disapprove of what I eat and say it’s (5) (health) , so they make me eat loads of fruit and vegetables now. They also think my room is a real mess, which is why I’ll have to (6) (arrange) all my clothes and books. Mind you, I can’t really (7) (agree) with them about that. It IS a bit of a mess. I should probably put away my clothes when I (8) (dress) at night and make sure to (9) (cycle) the old paper. Perhaps there will be some (10) (expect) benefits after all! Write to me when you have time! Your friend, Sam 0 impossible 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 You are going to listen to four people talking about times when they misbehaved at school. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, answer the questions (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. LISTENING 7 38 4pa5jk 0 What kind of misbehaviour was Dawn talking about? smoking in school 1 What kind of punishment did Dawn get? 2 Why did Joy never go to school? 3 How did the headmaster find out about Joy’s misbehaviour? 4 How long did Paul have to stay away from school? 5 What was the reason for David having to write lines? 6 What did David think of his punishment? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv