way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

45 Conditional clauses How can you complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets? For most sentences, there is more than one possible answer. 1 If you … the emergency cord 1 without good reason, you … pay a fine. (pull, have to) 2 … Joanna … if I … her bike without asking? (mind, borrow) 3 I … walking in the mountains if I … study tomorrow. (go, not have to) 4 If she … Andrew, I’m sure she … him. (meet, like) 5 If you … someone shoplifting, … you … the manager? (see, tell) 6 I … that if I … it would make you cry. (not say, know) Translate your answers into German. LANGUAGE 3 a b Go through the texts in Unit 08 of your coursebook again and find out the endings to the sentences below. Make sure you use the correct tenses to complete the conditional clauses. 1 Children will get a free shot of expresso and a puppy if … 2 You would be allowed to do your driving license right now if … 3 You can’t drink in England if … 4 You will have to pay a fine if … 5 You would have been arrested in 1313 if … 6 There wouldn’t be as many Canadian songs played if … 7 You would get sent home from an English school if … 8 Mark would not have been sent home if … 9 It would be considered plagiarism if … 4 Read the sentences below. How could you finish them? Now listen to the interview about plagiarism again (coursebook, p. 110). While listening, complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After listening, take some time to check your answers. LISTENING 5 a 19 as769s b 0 Younger people today read . all the time 1 Young people think that online texts . 2 Wikipedia authors don’t get any . 3 It is a creative activity to . 4 The term ‘plagiarism‘ covers everything from forgetting quotation marks to . 5 Authors are responsible for . 6 Plagiarism prevents students from . 1  emergency cord: Notbremse ( im Zug ) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv