way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

43 Listen to Greg and Emily talking about the sports they do regularly. Then unscramble the sentences. Listen again to check your answers. 1 enjoys / Greg / mud / puddles / running / through / . 2 a / and / goes / gym / He / trains / once / outside / regularly / the / to / week / . 3 competitions / for / Greg / help / him / in / is / local / looking / more / part / sponsors / take / to / . 4 but / higher / Highlining / is / is / line / much / up / slacklining / similar / the / to / . 5 Britain / could / Oscar / go / Great / he / highlining / in / where / wonders / . 6 bus / by / Emily / every / day / instead / money / of / saves / school / taking / the / to / walking / . 7 a / Emily / Hannah / long / thinks / walks / way / . 8 and / at / be / cheerleading / For / good / gymnastics / have / know / moves / some / to / you / . 9 be / cheerleaders / Emily / fit / need / thinks / to / very / . 10 a / activity / and / be / both / boys / Cheerleading / could / for/ fun / girls / . LISTENING 8 37 6vv3u8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv