way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

42 Unit 07 | Move it! Formal language Read the email and replace each of the expressions in red with one of the expressions below (a–n). There are two expressions that you will not need. LANGUAGE 7 From: Emma Hofer <emho@email.at> To: John McGregor <John_McG@hotspot.com > Subject: Student exchange (1) Hello Mr McGregor, I am referring to your email from 10 th February to Ms Annemarie Beurer, my PE teacher. Ms Beurer has asked me to (2) answer you on her behalf because (3) I’ve been working with her on the list of host families. (4) I’m going to host Lizzie Nelson. As she loves animals, (5) our two dogs won’t be a problem for her . We live in a fairly large house close to Linz, so Lizzie can have (6) her own room . Most students from Whitehall, however, will (7) stay in the same room with their respective host brother or host sister. As I am sure you know, our school specialises in ball sports. So the sports our school offers are basketball, football, volleyball and handball. The latter is quite popular in Austria, therefore (8) many schools in Austria play it in their PE lessons . In fact, some Austrian schools have good handball teams that compete with other schools. (9) It would be so great if your students would join us in class. (10) We’re doing a project called ‘English Across the Curriculum’, which means that subjects (11) like history and music are taught in English. Your students are certainly most welcome to attend one of these classes. We look forward to seeing you in Austria soon. (12) See you soon , Emma Hofer a a room to herself b answer your questions c I would like to inquire d be sharing a room e Dear f I have been working g We would be very pleased h I will be hosting i it is on the curriculum of many Austrian schools j she will certainly not mind our two dogs k such as l We are involved in m Yours sincerely n I’d love it 1 Dear 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv