way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

41 Boost your vocabulary with ‘How sports gave me swagger’ Read the article on pp. 90/91 of your coursebook again and find out what expressions the author used for options a–j below. a properly behaved (only used for women): ( adj. ) b brothers or sisters: ( n. ) c a try: an ( n. ) d football: ( n. ) e wish: ( n. ) f to win against someone in a competition: to someone ( v. ) g the sound of people clapping: ( n. ) h with child; going to have a baby: ( adj. ) i the feeling of being extremely tired: ( n. ) j to do sports: to ( v. ) or to ( v. ) LANGUAGE 5 Remember the rules you should follow when doing a paired speaking activity. Match the sentence halves. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. SPEAKING 6 1 Take turns 2 Make sure your partner understands 3 Agree or disagree 4 Let your partner know 5 Invite your partner to express 6 Interrupt your partner politely 7 Express 8 Try to come to an agreement 9 Discuss all the points 10 Find arguments for and against a you understand what he/she says. b to express your view. c speaking. d given. e what you want to say. f each of the aspects given. g with your partner. h his/her opinion i at the end of the discussion. j your opinion. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv