way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

40 Unit 07 | Move it! Play , do or go ? Read Max’s plans for the week and fill in the missing words. Monday Get up at 6 a.m. and   jogging. After school   football with the Under 17s team. Tuesday swimming at 7 a.m. before school. At lunchtime   table tennis with Gina.   cycling in the evening before dinner. Wednesday Meet the Austrian exchange students in the afternoon and teach them how to   cricket. Thursday basketball in PE. Go to the gym after school to relax and   yoga. Friday Join the team after school to   rugby.   athletics on the outdoor track afterwards. Saturday After getting up,   some exercise to warm up, then   running for half an hour. In the afternoon,   a round of golf with Tom. Sunday Head for the hills and   hiking for the day. LANGUAGE 3 You are going to listen to the radio show on Spartan Races again (coursebook, p. 95). First, study the task below. Then, while listening, complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After listening, take some time to check your answers. LISTENING 4 17 kq2t2n 0 A man in a Greek helmet is announcing . a Spartan Race 1 One of the many obstacles will be . 2 Joseph De Sena says the world . 3 He wants Spartan Races to become . 4 The longest race courses are as long as . 5 People come back to the races to . 6 After doing a few Spartan Races, you’re not going to get upset by . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv