way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

39 Adjective or adverb? Choose words from the box below to complete the sentences and decide if they should be adverbs or adjectives. Use each word only once. fast  slow  easy  calm  speedy  exact  careful  far  serious  lazy  good  powerful  crazy  regular  quiet LANGUAGE 2 0 competitions 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 1 Mike is a really   goalkeeper – he’s let in four goals already. He needs to move around more! 2 You shouldn’t run too   at the start of a long race or you’ll get tired and run too   at the end. 3 At Wimbledon the tennis players are very strong and hit the ball extremely   . Sometimes the ball travels at over 200 km per hour! 4 If you want to do a sport   , you’ll need to practise   each week. 5 You want to go highlining on the Matterhorn? Don’t do it, it’s a   thing to do! 6 She ice-skates so   – no one else is better than her. Her turns are   right. 7 In the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, both teams are super   . Even though rowing is difficult, they make it look so   . 8 Sailing is a lot of fun, but it can be dangerous. You need to walk   on the boat when it’s wet. 9 Cricket is a sport where the audience usually sits   and   . They don’t usually shout or sing during the match. 10 I can throw this baseball much   than you! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv