way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

37 Tenses Read the conversation between two old friends. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 Tim: Hi, Phil! I (0) you for ages. What (1) up to? Phil: Tim! Good to see you. I’ve been pretty busy, actually. I’m trying to get a weekend job so I can save enough money to buy myself a new laptop. My old one died last month and I can’t afford a new one. Tim: Oh no, sorry to hear that. So, what kind of job are you looking for? Phil: Well, a couple of weeks ago the new restaurant down the road advertised for waiting staff. I wrote a letter of application and posted it off. They (2) me a couple of days later, and I’ve got an interview tomorrow. I’ve always liked the idea of a part-time job so I can earn a bit of extra cash, and I really (3) I’d be quite good at serving meals and drinks to people. Tim: Cool! (4) an interview before? Phil: No, up to now, (5) occasionally in my mum’s office filing papers and stuff like that. The problem is, I think I may need to buy some new clothes for the interview. Tim: I had an interview to work at the gym, but that was easy. I just had to wear loose and comfortable clothing. Everyone dresses very casually there, and no one (6) if you wear old shorts and a T-shirt. Phil: The restaurant isn’t very fancy. I don’t think I need to wear a designer label suit for the interview, but I definitely need to look smart. I’m not sure they’ll like my torn jeans and this dirty old sweatshirt. Tim: Yes, you’re probably right. Listen, I’ve got a suit which (7) to my sister’s wedding last year. I think it should fit you. Would you like to borrow it for the interview? Phil: That would be brilliant! Thanks very much! Tim: Just call by my house this evening and (8) it up. See you later then! 0 A haven’t seen B didn’t see C not seen D wasn’t seeing 1 A have you done B you be C you were D have you been 2 A are calling B were calling C called D have been calling 3 A think B had thought C have been thinking D was thinking 4 A Have you ever do B Have you ever been C Have you ever had D Have you been having 5 A I am only working B I’ve only worked C I only work D I was only working 6 A is minding B was minding C has minded D minds 7 A I wore B I was wearing C I am wearing D I wear 8 A picked B was picking C be picking D pick Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv