way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

33 Read the statements about presentations below. Are they true or false? READING 6 1 It’s more important to look at your poster than to look at the audience. 2 It looks more professional if you are wearing the right clothes. 3 Write down as much as possible on your index cards so that you remember what to say. 4 Practise your presentation and ask a friend to give you feedback. 5 Don’t encourage your audience to ask questions because they might ask you things you don’t know. 6 Make sure your visual aids are clear and to the point. 7 Speak clearly and not too fast so that your audience can follow you. 8 Don’t worry about the length of your presentation. It’s important to say as much as possible about your topic. 9 The order ‘introduction – main part – conclusion’ is important in presentations. True False Try to guess the words missing from this poem. The rhyme scheme may help you. Then listen and complete the poem. 7 a 35 bu9m8u New computer We have bought a new computer that’s the fastest ever seen. It has terabytes of mem’ry and a forty-eight inch (1) . It has all the latest gizmos and accessories galore. It has every last peripheral they carried at the (2) . It has disk drives by the dozen it has twenty-seven mice, and it even has a microwave included in the (3) . It can teach you how to mambo It can play the violin. It can calculate the distance from Botswana to (4) . It can speak in seven languages with scholarly finesse, then defeat the world’s grandmasters in a tournament of (5) . It can conjure anti-gravity, or build a time (6) . Our computer is undoubtedly the fastest ever seen. When we went and bought it yesterday, we though it pretty neat, but today our new computer is already obsolete. Kenn Nesbitt Complete the summary of the poem. 1 New computer is about … 2 In the first stanza the poet describes … 3 Then he talks about … 4 In stanzas 4, 5, and 6 he mentions … 5 In the last stanza, he introduces the message of the poem, which is … Which things in the poem sound old-fashioned (or normal) now? b c Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv