way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

26 Unit 04 | Eat, sleep, repeat … Suggestions, advice and orders This is part of an email by Marcus B.: LANGUAGE 4 From: Filip Petrovic <fil.pe@email.at> To: Marcus Bogart <mar.bo@hotspot.com > Subject: Getting fit Hi Marcus, I bet your new school is a lot of work and you have to spend a lot of time studying. I totally understand that you have put on some weight and feel like a couch potato. But it’s (1) h t you started doing something. Otherwise it will be too late! For a start you (2) s get active. Don’t go by bus, take your bike or walk. Or (3) w d you take the stairs instead of the lift? (4) D watch too much football at the weekends but play it actively. (5) W a meeting your friends for regular football training? I started swimming with friends last year and although I didn’t like it in the beginning, I really enjoy it now. (6) I I w y , I’d also change my eating habits. You (7) m eat all that junk and fast food. You (8) c start eating something filling in the mornings. I normally eat cereals or wholewheat bread. It helps me get active. If I feel hungry between meals, I eat some fruit instead of chocolate. (9) W d y t ? I’ve been eating more healthily for some time now, and I really feel a lot better. And it helps me study better as well! I hope this helps. Let me know about your fitness plan! Best wishes, Filip From: Marcus Bogart <mar.bo@hotspot.com> To: Filip Petrovic <fil.pe@email.at> Subject: I need to get fit! … I’ve spent a lot of time studying recently. I know I’ve put on weight and I feel like a couch potato. Can you give me some advice? How can I get fit again? What do you do to have a healthy lifestyle? Now write your own reply. Use some of the structures and ideas, but don’t copy whole sentences! In your email you should:  say what you think about Marcus’ problem  suggest what he can do  describe what you do Write around 200 words. WRITING 5 Read Filip’s reply and complete the structures giving advice. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv