way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

24 Unit 04 Eat, sleep, repeat … Foods Put the food items into the right categories. LANGUAGE 1 a Unit 04 | Eat, sleep, repeat … a fruits b vegetables c dairy products d protein e sweets and desserts f ready-made meals g herbs and spices h grains 1 butter 2 coriander 3 onions 4 frozen pizza 5 asparagus 6 berries 7 eggs 8 fast food 9 grapes 10 salmon 11 pancakes 12 courgette 13 cod 14 cheesecake 15 chips 16 biscuits 17 lean beef 18 yogurt 19 apricot 20 camembert 21 lettuce 22 pepper 23 brown rice 24 almonds 25 veal 26 aubergine 27 fish fingers 28 apple strudel 29 peas 30 rye bread Look at the words below. Which one is the odd one out? 1 carrots, celery, breadcrumbs, tomatoes, cucumber breadcrumbs 2 ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice tea, milkshake 3 soft drink, oatmeal, water, milk, smoothie 4 organic, fresh, vegan, natural, processed 5 brown rice, fast food, sugary drinks, fried food, sweets 6 goose, pork, chicken, duck, turkey b Adjectives describing food There are lots of different ways to talk about food. Find the hidden words describing taste (eight) and the words related to cooking methods (six). a taste: terrific, b cooking methods: boiled, LANGUAGE 2 D L B O I L E D D S P F T A S M O K E D G A L G K F L T I L N R C E V E E S R S I I I D R R D O F A T C F L K O T D E L S V I L L S A H H Y U S R O C E P S D O G I R S U U D I T A S T E L E S S R C E I Y T A S T Y I D Y D O A F I D T F I S T Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv