way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

20 Unit 03 | Learning and teaching Read the article about homework. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–8). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 5 Too much homework reduces a child’s interaction with others Pupils who have a lot of homework don’t have enough time to interact with others. Meeting friends gives (0) (child) the chance to learn self-control, conflict (1) (manage) and other social skills. If they are not given enough opportunities to be sociable, their overall (2) (develop) may suffer. Too much homework does not improve the ability to think Active (3) (learn) helps children to work on problem-solving skills. Homework does not provide these kinds of opportunities and reduces time for play. This means children develop less (4) (create) , which is important for building problem-solving skills and (5) (imagine) . It also limits a child’s time to explore his or her own interests, which might be important for career choices later. Too much homework upsets a child’s life balance Children who have too much homework will not have a (6) (health) balance in their lives. If too much homework is given, it will reduce the time children need to relax or sleep, which will have a negative effect on their (7) (achieve) during the day. There is no link between homework and academic success (8) (research) have found that there is hardly any link between the amount of homework and academic success. It is recommended that children have 10 minutes of homework per day in their first year of school, 20 minutes in their second year, 30 minutes in their third year, and so on. Any more than this is considered too much and could be counter-productive. 0 children 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 Browsing Whitehall’s student blog, you have come across the following post: WRITING 6 Sandra_M. Bullying is a crime! It’s just a nightmare. Students in our class are gossiping and writing nasty texts about the new student and no one seems to care. Even the teachers keep ignoring the situation … reply You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should:  explain how you feel about the situation in Sandra’s class  give examples of bullying at your school  suggest what students can do about bullying Write around 200 words. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv