way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

2 Contents Unit 01: Old friends and new friends ........................................................................................... 4 Language: Talking about friends; Questions; Language in use: Friendships can change (BGF) Listening: Poem: A friend like you Writing: Tips for writing an informal email Unit 02: Me time . ....................................................................................................................... 10 Language: Leisure activities; The present continuous; Narrative tenses;  Suffixes; Describing pictures; Comparisons Reading: An email about the panel discussion; Read again: Video games’ place in American culture;  Trends that will define the future of video games (MM) Listening: Listen again: Four teenagers talking about their experiences with video games Writing: Help writing an informal email Unit 03: Learning and teaching .................................................................................................. 18 Language: Modal verbs of obligation; Discussing ideas; More suffixes;  Language in use: Too much homework … (WF) ; Topic vocabulary Reading: A blog comment about bullies (MM) Listening: Two people talking about the schools they attend(ed) (MC) Writing: A blog comment about bullying Unit 04: Eat, sleep, repeat ….................................................................................................... 24 Language: Foods; Adjectives describing food; Language in use: Seven tips for healthy eating (MC) ;  Suggestions, advice and orders Reading: Blog discussions on raw vegan food Listening: Listen again: Orthorexia (FM4) (MM) ; Watch again: Teenagers and sleep (BBC) (MC) Writing: An informal email giving advice on how to get fit again Unit 05: Reach out! ..................................................................................................................... 30 Language: Feelings; Types of communication; Phrasal verbs;  Language in use: How texting changes communication (WF) Reading: The 4 worst things parents can do to us teenagers on social media (MC) ;  Presentations: Things (not) to do; Poem: New computer Unit 06: All the rage ................................................................................................................... 34 Language: Fashion and trends; The present perfect; Language in use: The role of fashion;  Language in use: Tenses (MC) Listening: Watch again: The history of Levi’s jeans (BBC) (MM) Unit 07: Move it! ......................................................................................................................... 38 Language: Adjective or adverb?; Play , do or go ?; Boost your vocabulary with ‘How sports gave me swagger’;  Formal language; Language in use: An interview with Mark, Wushu District Champion (WF) Listening: Listen again: Spartan Races (FM4) (4W) ; Two interviews about sports Speaking: Rules to follow when doing a paired speaking activity Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv