way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

17 Find out the meaning of these words using a dictionary/an online dictionary. analyst  celebrity  developer  publisher  survey Now read the article about the future of video games. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 11 a b Trends that will define the future of video games Hundreds of game developers, publishers and analysts recently came to Brighton (0)  . Here are the most important trends that were mentioned during this convention, all of which could (1) – and played – in the near future. Parents as gamers Alison York, research director at Nickelodeon, talked about how we’re now seeing the first generation of parents who (2) themselves and are passing this hobby on to their children. Through a recent survey of UK families, the channel (3) parents now play video games with their children, and that children aged 10 or under (4) from their parents. At the same time, families are spending more time together in the living room and fewer children (5) . Everyone may be on different devices, but they’re closer than they’ve been for years. As a re- sult, more video game developers try to (6) together – a sort of Pixar effect. Of course, Ninten- do has worked like this for years, as has the Lego series, but the parent/child co-op market may be- come much bigger as more millennials 2 become parents. The watching experience In the era of Twitch (120 million viewers a month) and celebrity YouTubers, it’s becoming more and more important (7) to think about how their games will be seen as well as played. Ian Baverstock, founder 3 of the small publisher Chilled Mouse says: “The statistics show that the hours people spend playing games and watching games are changing very quickly and more and more people watch others play. Also, (8) , we’re going to see more developers trying to make their games interesting to YouTubers.” Players as creators Gamers won’t just be watching development happening in the future, they’ll help too. Many companies offer the chance to (9) , whether that’s as voice actor or music writer. Players can also design their own levels and then share them online. 2  millennials: Menschen, die im Zeitraum von ungefähr 1980 bis 1999 geboren wurden; die erste Generation, die mit dem Internet und sozialen Medien groß wurde. 3  founder: Gründer/in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D A have TVs in their rooms G in just a few seconds B for players and their families H change the way games are made C over the next 18 months I take most of their gaming tips D for the annual Develop conference J be part of a video game E for developers K grew up playing games F entertain both parents and children L found that 75% of these Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv