way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

15 Describing pictures Complete the description of the picture. Then listen and check. LANGUAGE 7 32 3q58v8 This is a photo Alan took yesterday and emailed to me so I can show it to my grandad. (1) the picture I’m standing next to Steve, who (2) on the edge of the table. I’m the one with the curly blond hair. You can easily see John standing (3) us as he is so tall! Have you noticed that all the boys are standing (4) and all the girls on the other? That’s because the girls are singing the high notes and the boys are singing the low notes. It’s easier to concentrate if we are standing with people singing the same music. What do you think of our school uniform? The girls are wearing blue checked skirts that (5) Scottish kilts. We are all wearing a blue blazer with the school badge on it. I think it looks pretty smart. The three girls in the front row are all in my class and the three (6) row are in the year below us. (7) you can see our conductor, Ms Jansen. She’s fun and is relaxed most of the time – apart from when we’re performing. Then she gets very serious, but she does a great job. Comparisons Complete the sentences using comparisons. LANGUAGE 8 1 The creative writing club is far (interesting) than pottery, but the science club is (interesting) of all. 2 School days are often quite stressful, but exam days are (stressful) than usual. 3 I think the (good) thing about being in a school club is that you can meet your friends there. 4 Sport can make you (strong) and (fit) than other leisure activities. 5 I’m much (busy) than last year, so I can’t go to the drama club. 6 I think bungee jumping is a (dangerous) hobby than skiing. 7 In the USA, American football is a lot (popular) than soccer. 8 I’m going to get another mobile as I like to have the (new) and (up-to-date) model. 9 It’s very noisy in here – it’s (loud) concert I’ve ever been to! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv