way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

14 Unit 02 | Me time Suffixes: The ending does it You have already learned many word endings over the years. Not all of them change the word class. Look at the word endings (suffixes) in bold in the sentences below. Then match the endings to the explanations. Some endings can be used more than once. LANGUAGE 6 a  My brother’s birthday is on the 25 th of May.  They played a lot of video games yesterday.  The teacher discusses the question with the class.  Playing online games can feel like work.  He closes the door quietly.  She enjoys many different kinds of games.  Lisa is a hockey player. a ’s genitive (possession) b adjective to adverb c 3 rd person singular d 3 rd person singular e simple past or past participle f verb to person or thing doing it g plural h verb to noun (gerund) Fill in the correct form of the word in brackets. b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Spending just 20 minutes in the fresh air each day can improve your physical and mental health. Here are 8 reasons why you should get outdoors in your free time: 1 You get away from your phone or computer screen and get back to (real). 2 Fresh air is extremely (health) and can help improve your concentration. 3 If you take a walk or run, your (fit) levels improve. 4 Spending time in the sunshine gives you more vitamin D, which can prevent (ill). 5 Just 20 minutes of daily outdoor (active) can make you feel more alive. 6 Even if it’s (cloud) or (wind), your stress levels will fall. 7 Walking in a (nature) environment can help you sleep better. 8 Being outdoors with family and friends can increase your overall well-being and (happy). c 1 Some people can get (real) angry when they lose. 2 Sure, it (feel) great to win. 3 I play some (game) on my mobile or my tablet. 4 My sister is a hobby (photograph). She doesn’t go anywhere without her camera. 5 There’s nothing like (become) a completely different person. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv