way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

13 Read the email below and decide which bullet points (a–h) best fit the paragraphs (1–3). The panel discussion on after-school clubs was great fun (see coursebook, p. 26). You have decided to write an email to Oliver telling him about it. In your email you should: a explain why you like panel discussions b explain how chess is played c say why your suggestion for the after-school club is the best d describe the ideas of the international company e explain how the panel discussion was organised f say how €500 can be spent best g describe the after-school club you suggested h explain why online games are more challenging than board games READING 5 From: Martin Mayrhofer <ma.mh@email.at > To: Oliver Shaw <oliver.shaw@whcambridge.uk > Subject: Panel discussion Dear Oliver, Guess what! An international company offered 500 euro to sponsor an after-school club at our school. So we had a panel discussion to discuss which club should get the money. There were five representatives on the panel who each argued for a different club. We had to prepare some reasons why our club should get the sponsorship and had five minutes to present our arguments. We also had to think of what counter-arguments the others might use. After presenting our ideas, there was a general discussion followed by questions. You know I love to play board games like chess, so I chose to argue for the Games Club. Around 15 of us meet once a week to play all sorts of games for a couple of hours. We don’t just play board games, we also play online games and we get tips from each other on how to improve. I argued that the Games Club is important because it’s a really social activity. Everyone mixes well, and when we give each other advice, we all play better. Also, there are inter-school competitions for chess and we have a really strong team now. If we got the 500 euro, we could buy some great software to improve our skills even more. The panel discussion was challenging, but I had the chance to develop my speaking skills as sometimes I’m shy talking in front of other people. Which club would you have argued for? Bye for now! All the best, Martin 1  2  3  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv