way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

12 Unit 02 | Me time Narrative tenses Read the story and fill the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in the box. celebrate  happen  leave  listen  never see  realise  separate  sit  start  try  walk LANGUAGE 4 What rubbish! Sometimes I wonder what modern art is all about. I (1) started to work as a cleaner at an art gallery in Bolzano, Italy, five years ago. I’ll tell you a story about what (2) at an exhibition called ‘Where shall we go dancing tonight?’ The exhibition consisted of a lot of bottles, broken glass, cigarette ends, confetti and even old shoes and clothes. I think the artists (3) to show what it looks like after a big party. At the opening of the exhibition on Friday night, the guests (4) with drinks and snacks and enjoyed a cultural evening. On Saturday morning my friend and I arrived to clean the art gallery. We’re used to seeing a bit of a mess, but when we saw all the broken bottles and other rubbish, we wondered why the guests (5) all this lying around. We (6) such a mess, but we started cleaning it up. As usual I (7) to my iPod as I worked. We threw the bottles and other items into rubbish bags and (8) glass, plastic and paper for recycling. I (9) down for my break when suddenly I saw a sign on the wall which explained the exhibition. It was then that we (10) our mistake! The owners of the gallery were quite angry, but we still had the bags with the pieces of the exhibition. Then the artists arrived and we gave them the bags as we (11) out of the door at the end of the day. They used photographs to help them put everything back where it belonged. We did feel bad, but I’m not surprised we thought it was rubbish. I don’t think it was very artistic or creative. It just looked a mess! Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentu des Verlags öbv