way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

11 Do you need some help writing your email to Hannah (coursebook, p. 22)? Just follow the instructions below. WRITING 3 From: … To: Hannah Shelby <hannah.shelby@whcambridge.uk > Subject: Our leisure activities Hi Hannah, It’s great to hear about your project ... Leisure activities around the world are certainly interesting ... Well, let me tell you about my friends. Some of them enjoy doing/going/playing …, but most of them … I guess … is so popular because … My favourite leisure activity is ... I usually do it on … I go … once/twice/… a week with … You only need a … You know what is special about ... I really like … because ... I wish you good luck with your project ... Tell me about your friends’ leisure activities ... I’m looking forward to reading more about your project ... All the best, …  end your email in a friendly way (Write one or two sentences.)  say what is special about it Say why you like it. Give an example, give a good reason. Write about your feelings. Use adjectives, such as fantastic , relaxing , great , challenging , exciting … (Write around 50 words.)  describe your favourite leisure activity Where and how often do you do it? Who do you do it with? What do you need to do it? (Write around 50 words.)  give examples of leisure activities your friends enjoy (Write around 50 words.)  say why you are writing (Write one or two sentences.) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv