way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

74 Key Practice Pack UNIT 09: OuT AND AbouT LANGUAGE – Travel vocabulary Lösungen: Across: 1 guide, 6 fare, 7 cyclist, 9 destination, 12 beach, 14 attractions, 16 return, 17 souvenirs, 18 cruise, 19 hostel Down: 2 delayed, 3 sightseeing, 4 hiking, 5 capital, 8 sunbathing, 10 metro, 11 hire, 13 arrival, 15 campsite LISTENING + VIEWING Lösungen: 1 reserving, 2 to book, 3 to explore, 4 location, 5 travel guides, 6 hiring, 7 confident, 8 inhabitants Das Video kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 2bv2u2 abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 inhabitants, 2 hiring, 3 reserving, 4 confident, 5 travel guides, 6 explore, 7 book, 8 location LANGUAGE – Talking about the future Lösungen: 2 leaves, 3 am going to fall asleep, 4 are picking me up, 5 arrives/will arrive, 6 we are going to find, 7 will get, 8 are going, 9 we are going to make sure READING Lösungen: 1 E, 2 I, 3 C, 4 B, 5 F, 6 A (Not used: D, G) LANGUAGE – Means of transport Lösungen: 2 take the metro, 3 buy a single (ticket), 4 go by harbour bus, 5 take the train, 6 go on a guided walking tour, 7 go on foot Lösungen: 1 to check in, 2 gate, 3 destination (not a person), 4 delay, 5 station, 6 route Lösungen: to depart – departed/departing; cancellation – to cancel – to cancel a trip/  a cancelled flight, etc.; arrival – arriving – arrival platform, arrival times,  an arriving train, etc.; to reserve – reserved – to reserve a table,  reserved seats, etc. 1 2 a 3 b Ö BBC 03 3 4 5 6 7 Mögliche Antworten: 1 … they are left unattended. / … their parents leave them unattended. 2 … you lived in the USA. 3 … you are under 18 years old. 4 … you don’t smile in Milan. 5 … you had worn/had been wearing a suit of armour to the Houses of Parliament in London. 6 … they didn’t have the CanCon law. 7 … you didn’t wear/weren’t wearing a uniform. / … your skirt was too short. / … you wore/were wearing the wrong shoes. … 8 … he had worn/had been wearing the right shoes. 9 … you copied texts from the internet. /… you didn’t mention your sources. LISTENING Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes as769s abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 have no author / don’t belong to anyone / are for general use / can be used 2 money / payment for their work 3 sample bits and pieces / recombine things 4 buying a paper / copying something completely 5 what they write 6 learning / thinking for themselves LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 review, 2 unbearable, 3 disappear, 4 incredibly, 5 unhealthy, 6 rearrange, 7 disagree, 8 undress, 9 recycle, 10 unexpected LISTENING Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 4pa5jk abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 detention / extra hours after school, 2 (she) hated it, 3 (through the) cinema manager, 4 Thursday and Friday / two days, 5 paper aeroplane competition, 6 waste of time LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 F, 2 C, 3 L, 4 K, 5 G, 6 N, 7 I, 8 B, 9 A, 10 M, 11 H 4 5 b À 19 6 7 À 38 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv