way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

72 Key Practice Pack 5 … that even a new computer will seem old very quickly because of the speed at which technology is improving. Lösungen: all of them except anti-gravity and the time machine UNIT 06: ALL THE RAgE LANGUAGE – Fashion and trends Lösungen: 1 rage, 2 to design, 3 current, 4 weird, 5 to improve, 6 to wonder, 7 however, 8 to wash Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 2m5m5t abgerufen werden. Lösungen: A Neon colours have been in and out of fashion since the 1980s. B Back then these bright colours were popular for items of clothing. C Pop stars like Madonna wore neon bracelets and fingerless gloves. D So many teenagers copied this style. E Now and then neon colours came back into fashion. F Still, they were never again as popular as in the 1980s. LISTENING + VIEWING Das Video kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 9z6jj5 abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 H, 2 A, 3 F, 4 I, 5 E, 6 D (Not used: B, G) LANGUAGE – The present perfect Lösungen: 1 decided, 2 wore, 3 have you bought, 4 have just found, 5 have got, 6 haven’t bought, 7 have just missed, 8 promised, 9 haven’t walked LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 constantly, 2 in, 3 on, 4 after, 5 everywhere, 6 who, 7 between, 8 as, 9 part, 10 deliver, 11 involved, 12 other, 13 clothing, 14 give LANGUAGE IN USE – Tenses Lösungen: 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 D 9 c 1 2 À 36 3 Ö BBC 02 4 5 6 LISTENING + VIEWING Das Video kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes rx4tb9 abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 B, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B Lösungen: 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A UNIT 05: REAcH ouT! LANGUAGE – Feelings Lösungen: 1 disappointed (negative emotion), 2 hopeful (positive emotion), 3 amused (positive), 4 cheeky (positive, self-confident), 5 bitter (negative) READING Lösungen: 1 D, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A LANGUAGE – Phrasal verbs Lösungen: 1 up, 2 out, 3 off/on, 4 off, 5 up, 6 off, 7 on, 8 on, 9 up, 10 up, 11 out, 12 down, 13 out, 14 off, 15 down, 16 on/off, 17 down, 18 on, 19 on, 20 down LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 unpleasant, 2 preferred, 3 moving, 4 rapidly, 5 encourages, 6 communication, 7 uncomfortable, 8 presence READING Lösungen: 1 false, 2 true, 3 false, 4 true, 5 false, 6 true, 7 true, 8 false, 9 true Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes bu9m8u abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 screen, 2 store, 3 price, 4 Berlin, 5 chess, 6 machine Lösungen: 1 … how quickly technology is improving. 2 … a new computer he’s bought. 3 … all the features the computer has. 4 … the many amazing things the computer can do. 8 Ö BBC 01 9 1 2 4 5 6 7 a À 35 9 b Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv