way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

69 Key Practice Pack LANGUAGE – Suffixes: The ending does it Lösungen: b adjective to adverb: -ly (He closes the door quietly.) c 3 rd person singular: -s (She enjoys many different …) d 3 rd person singular: -es (The teacher discusses the …; He closes the …) e simple past or past participle: -ed (They played a lot of …) f verb to person or thing doing it: -er (Lisa is a hockey player.) g plural: -s (… a lot of video games.) h verb to noun (gerund): -ing (Playing online games can …) Lösungen: 1 really, 2 feels, 3 games, 4 photographer, 5 becoming Lösungen: 1 reality; 2 healthy; 3 fitness; 4 illness(es); 5 activity; 6 cloudy, windy; 7 natural; 8 happiness LANGUAGE – Describing pictures Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 3q58v8 abgerufen werden. Lösungen: 1 In, 2 is sitting, 3 behind, 4 on one side, 5 look like, 6 in the back, 7 In the foreground LANGUAGE – Comparisons Lösungen: 1 more interesting, the most interesting; 2 more stressful; 3 best; 4 stronger, fitter; 5 busier; 6 more dangerous; 7 more popular; 8 newest, most up-to- date; 9 the loudest LISTENING Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 5m65dq abgerufen werden. Lösungen: Allen: 1 angry, lose, don’t, much; 2 four, of, turns, of Karen: 3 new, really, sometimes, home; 4 few, playing, game, talk, on Alysha: 5 into, games, get, releases; 6 thrilled, spend, time Rob: 7 play, video, younger; 8 only, feel, though 6 a 1 b 1 c 7 À 32 8 9 À 05 3 You usually end your email with All the best, Take care , etc. 5 You always start a new paragraph for a new idea or bullet point. UNIT 02: ME TImE LANGUAGE – Leisure activities Lösungen: go to: the cinema, the theatre, a concert, a museum, an art gallery, the park listen to: music, the radio, a band read: a book, a magazine, an article, a novel, a poem, an email watch: TV, a series, a film, a football match do: gymnastics, weightlifting, sports go: swimming, cycling, shopping, horse riding, skiing, skating, fishing play: tennis, basketball, golf, badminton, chess, the piano, a musical instrument have: fun, a good time, something to do, a drink, a bath, a good laugh LANGUAGE – The present continuous Mögliche Antworten: All of them are having a good time today. Jackie is sunbathing in the garden. Robert is playing a video game in his room. Aunt Lisa is decorating her kitchen. Rob and Steve are listening to the band in the park/to music. Louise is going to an exhibition in a museum, etc. Lösungen: 1 John is a good skier, at the moment he is training for a race. 2 Sarah usually watches TV on Friday nights (,) because she enjoys foreign films. 3 In the picture, some boys are playing football. 4 In the foreground, their fans are cheering and clapping. 5 I can’t open the door right now, I’m taking a shower. LANGUAGE – Narrative tenses Lösungen: 2 happened, 3 were trying, 4 celebrated/had celebrated, 5 had left, 6 had never seen, 7 was listening, 8 separated, 9 was sitting, 10 realised, 11 were walking READING Lösungen: 1 e, 2 g, 3 c 1 2 a 1 b 4 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv