way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

68 Key Practice Pack UNIT 01: OLD FRIENDS AND NEW FRIENDS LANGUAGE – Talking about friends Mögliche Antworten: A good friend …: is sb. you can trust, trusts you; doesn’t betray you; keeps his/her promises; gives good advice; helps you, is helpful; supports you; respects you; doesn’t gossip about you; doesn’t laugh about you, laughs with you; doesn’t lie to you, is honest, always tells the truth; is good company; doesn’t hurt you; listens to you; goes out of his/her way to please you; keeps a secret A bad friend …: is sb. you can’t trust; will betray your trust/you; doesn’t keep his/her promises; gives bad advice; doesn’t help you, isn’t helpful; doesn’t support you; doesn’t respect you; gossips about you; laughs about you, doesn’t laugh with you; lies to you, is dishonest, doesn’t tell the truth; is bad company; hurts you; doesn’t listen to you; never/hardly ever does anything to please you; will not keep a secret Lösungen: trust – trust; kindness; support/supporter – support; advisor/advice – advise; respect – respect; true/ untrue/truthful; pleasure – pleasant/unpleasant Lösungen: A good friend is someone … 1 … who will support you, no matter what. 2 … you can trust. 3 … who is kind and respects your wishes. 4 … whose company you enjoy. 5 … who will cry when you cry. 6 … who can laugh when you do. 7 … who stays around when things get tough. 8 … who makes you smile. 9 … who is there to listen. 10 … who is willing to tell you the truth, even if it’s hard. 11 … who won’t make you feel bad or hurt your feelings. LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 b, 2 j, 3 e, 4 g, 5 k, 6 c, 7 f, 8 d, 9 a (Not used: h, i) Lösungen: 1 E, 2 B, 3 K, 4 L, 5 D, 6 O, 7 M, 8 H, 9 F, 10 A, 11 N, 12 J (Not used: C, I) LISTENING Die Audio-Datei kann auch über www.oebv.at und Eingabe des Codes 56m8ae abgerufen werden. 1 2 3 4 a 1 b 5 a À 31 1 True, 2 False, 3 True, 4 True, 5 False Lösungen: 2 few, 3 best, 4 you, 5 say, 6 help, 7 ask, 8 do, 9 think, 10 do, 11 know, 12 be, 13 have LANGUAGE – Questions Lösungen: Yes/No questions: Do girls use social media more often than boys? Should friends always help each other? Is your family more important to you than your friends? Have you ever felt really miserable? Has a friend ever let you down? Could you add me to the study group chat, please? Questions with question words: What wouldn’t you do for a friend? Where were you born? What is your favourite subject? What do you do in your free time? What can you do really well? Who would you invite to a party? What are the people in the picture doing? When was the last time you went to the cinema? Lösungen: 1 Who is the person sitting next to you?/ What is the person sitting next to you doing? 2 Do you like pop music? 3 Why can’t Jenny come to the party? 4 What do you like about your best friend? 5 Can you play an instrument? 6 Who doesn’t like pizza? 7 What did Louis text? 8 Is she going on holiday with her friend?/ Did she go on holiday with her friend? 9 Will you be going to the match?/ Are you going to the match? Lösungen: 1 Where were you born? 2 How tall are you? 3 When did you start acting? 4 What was your first job as an actor? 5 Are you still friends with any of them? 6 What did you do after The Mickey Mouse Club ? 7 What was/has been the greatest moment in your acting career so far? Lösung: The movie star’s name is Ryan Gosling. WRITING Lösungen: 2 You always put a comma (,) after Dear friend. 1 b 6 7 8 a 1 b 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv