way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

67 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) Dan: Copying or filing in the age of computers, what’s that all about? Pat: There was quite a lot of it because for some things, they still need paper records. I also had to scan stuff they didn’t need a paper record of, so it also worked the other way round. Mark: That, actually, sounds pretty boring. Pat: It was, you’re right. Dan: So it was either hard work or pretty boring, wasn’t it? Pat: Well, some of it I really liked. I enjoyed working in the parks, planting flowers and mowing the lawn. That was pretty nice. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I’ve applied for a summer job with that department. Lizzie: Really? Pat: Yes, and I’m thinking of doing a degree in horticulture when I’ve done my A levels because the planning part is really fascinating. You need to know a lot about plants, and I’ve always been interested in botany, and you’re out in the open some of the time, but there’s also quite a bit of theoretical work in planning. It’s given me a lot of new ideas of what I could do in our garden, and luckily Mum agreed that I could try my hand on one of our flower beds. Lizzie: You could ask my parents, they’re always saying that they want something new in our garden, but they don’t know what. Pat: That’s an idea! Dan: Smelly? Pat: Smelly, dirty, and really, really heavy. They took me off it after 3 hours because it was such hard work, and even though I was wearing gloves and a plastic apron, I really needed a shower after that. So that wasn’t one of the highlights. … Another day I had to help out in a children’s day care centre because 3 of their staff were down with the flu and they couldn’t get any replacements, so they just sent me there. That was a lot nicer, because it was clean, but also quite demanding, because normally it’s staffed with 4 people and that day there were just 3 of us, and I was the new girl, so I got to do all the stuff you don’t need any qualifications for – cleaning up after meals, fetching crayons, taking them back and putting them away, helping the kids put on their coats and shoes when we went outside, helping them take their stuff off again after playtime – you know, the lot. Mark: Sounds pretty easy, though. Pat: You bet it wasn’t! I was completely knocked out that day as well, and the noise level was really high. One of the little ones was always wailing and had to be comforted, and then I always had to fetch and carry with somebody clinging to my leg or hugging me round the middle. ( laughs ) Lizzie: I know what you mean – like my little sister did when she was smaller. I could hardly move around the house. What else did you do? Pat: Well, you know, stuff in the office, like copying or filing. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv