way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

62 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) It’s right next to my bed and really great to look at first thing in the morning. Adam: That sounds great. Let me have a look … Is there a picture of me on it somewhere, too? Hannah: No, I only put nice people on there! Send me one of you at your place in California and I might reconsider. How’s life for you over there? Adam: Lots of work and not a lot of time for much else, sadly. I’ve finally managed to buy a small table and a couch for the apartment, so I don’t have to eat on the floor anymore. This is the couch, I’m sitting on it right now, and there’s the table, just over there. … Quite an improvement, eh? Hannah: And it only took you … what, thirty days? Adam: You make it sound like a year! I’ve just been really busy settling in at university, there are so many new places and people to get used to. It feels like it’s been months already. … Next up is a wardrobe – they say ‘closet’ over here – so I can clear the clothes off the floor as well. Hannah: Oh, you’ve got to see my new one! It’s really spacious, I’ve put all my stuff in and there’s room for so much more. Let me open it for you … See? So much space! I can’t wait to buy some new dresses to fill it up a bit. Adam: Good to hear you’re enjoying your new room! Anything you’d like to change still, or are you happy with how it looks now? Hannah: Well …My old chair is getting really creaky, but it’s too comfortable to give away. I guess the lighting could use some improvement. I spend so much time in here in the evenings now to study for school, and I think it’s a bit too dark for reading with the lights I’ve got now. I’ve been thinking about getting one of those strips of LED lights you can put up on furniture, you know? I could put them here you see, on the shelf above my desk. Adam: You know that you can get some that can change colour, too? They would look great when you’ve got people coming over. Hannah: That’s a terrific idea! Maybe I could … Unit 10, exercise 16b (BBC Ö 04) V/O: It’s no wonder Hong Kong claims to be the world’s tallest residential city. So many people and not enough space, building homes higher into the sky was this city’s only option. Architect Jonathan Solomon is the world’s foremost authority on vertical living. Jonathan Solomon: Hong Kong truly is a city without ground. It’s a fact. Having been built on very steep slopes, on land that’s been reclaimed from the sea, and on the incredible density, which makes it very hard to get around your highways, your bus terminals and your other types of infrastructure. V/O: Built on the side of a mountain, Hong Kong is effectively Manhattan on a forty-five-degree slope. Solomon: So you can enter on the ground floor down at Queens Road, get in an elevator, ride it up to the 17th floor and exit on the ground floor again at Kennedy Road. V/O: It’s the only city in the world where you can live most of your life without setting foot on what used to be called the ground. have your own bike, a manual bike if you want to go five kilometres, the fastest and easiest way to go is on an e-bike and you get there without sweating. Lara: I’m not that confident on a bike. I was actually quite relieved that even when the electric element kicks in, it still feels comfortable and stable and safe and the thing is, it’s very easy to stop. V/O: The tablet offers GPS travel guides enhanced for cycling, making the bikes a liberating way for tourists to explore the city or for commuters to get to unfamiliar locations. There’s an option to check train times and you can even book a bike for someone else pre-setting a meeting destination to make sure they head to the right place. At the same time, the GPS tracks who is going where, when and that data is sent home every ten seconds, meaning information on battery life, location and usage is constantly being collected. It is of course early days now but the open platform means the potential for software development is huge. One idea they’re trying out at the moment is location-based marketing but there’s also scope for improving the cycling experience for the whole city. Andreas Roehl, Head of Mobility & Open Spaces, City of Copenhagen: We would get a lot of data from the bikes. We are already getting that. What is the average length of a trip, what is the speed people are cycling with etc., because then we can adjust the traffic signals to the speed of the bikes in the morning. If you have a head wind, then maybe they change in another rhythm than if you have the wind in the back. V/O: Is looking down at a tablet when on a bike safe, though? Well apparently there’s been no problem yet. Lara: If you’ve finished your journey and there’s no room in the docking station, then you can actually just leave the bike in a designated safe zone. You put the stand on, lock it and you can leave, but right now I’m in luck. V/O: 250 of the bikes have been up and running for a couple of months now but the hope is it will soon become thousands. Then maybe other cities will follow Copenhagen’s example once again. Coursebook, Unit 10, exercises 4a and 4b ( À 24) Announcer: Listen to the conversation between Hannah and her cousin Adam, who’s back in the States. Hannah: Ha! There you are! Finally got this thing to work. Adam: Hi, Hannah, good to see you again, even if it’s just online. How’s my favourite cousin? Hannah: I’m fine, thanks. And yourself? Adam: Excited to hear about your new room! You said you’ve finally moved in? Hannah: Yes, it’s been heaps of work, but I’m very happy with how it’s turned out. Adam: I can imagine. So tell me: what do you like best about it? And don’t say your bed! Hannah: But I do! ( laughs ) All right, not the bed then. It’s the same old one anyway. Well, let me think. I really like the view I’ve got now, overlooking the garden. Here, let me move the laptop so you can see …There, that’s it. It’s really quiet, too. But I guess I like my new photo wall best. I’ve put up all my favourite photos of places I’d like to visit and people and stuff I love. Can you see? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv