way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

61 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) Gran: No, I don’t, I don’t go by train all that often and they’re still 30 pounds. So let’s get a standard single. Is there an off-peak choice? Lizzie: No, actually, all tickets are 23.60 to King’s Cross. So I’ll buy one? Gran: Tell you what, why don’t you make it a return ticket? That’ll save me the trouble of queuing in London, where it might be even busier than here, and I’m not sure Tom will take the time to help me with one of these machines, seeing how busy he always is. Lizzie: OK, then, a return ticket …There is an off-peak choice now, or do you want to return anytime, that’s more expensive. Gran: I’ll take a late train on Thursday, so off-peak should be OK, I’d say. Lizzie: OK … Now, Cambridge to King’s Cross, off-peak return, 36.20 …That’s 36.20, Gran. Gran: Oh, dear, what an odd sum. I only have a 50-pound note. Will the machine give us change? Lizzie: Of course it will. So … you need to insert the money here, and … here’s your ticket and here’s your change, see? As easy as that. Gran: Hmm, that looked really easy, I suppose I might try it myself next time I go to London, especially now that I’ve had such a good teacher to show me how to do it. Here, keep the small change. Lizzie: Oh Gran … Do you want me to meet you when you come back and help you with your bag again, or are you going to take a taxi? Gran: I think I might take a taxi, dear, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Lizzie: Granny, you know it’s no hassle for me to come along and help you. Gran: Yes, dear, but still … Lizzie: Well, if you change your mind, just give me a ring or text me, will you? Oh, look, it’s just 5 minutes till the next train, we’d better get going. Where does it leave – platform 1 – OK, that’s not far. I can’t go through the ticket barrier, so I’d better say goodbye here. Gran: Goodbye, Lizzie dear, and thanks again for your help! Lizzie: Take care, Granny. Gran: You too, love. Coursebook, Unit 09, exercise 16b (BBC Ö 03) V/O [Lara Lewington]: Copenhagen, one of the cycling capitals of the world. A place where there are as many bikes as there are inhabitants. … In the 90s this was the first capital city to install a cycle hire system, so it’s little surprise that they’ve just upgraded to one at the cutting edge. Lara: When it comes to hiring a bike, it needs to offer something extra. Now not only are these electric, but they also come complete with their own built-in apparently vandal-proof tablet. When it comes to reserving, booking and paying for one, you can do it all on this. V/O: You can select manual or whatever level of pedal power assistance you desire. Torben Aargaard, co-founder & CEO, GoBike: You could go for longer distances, it’s not sweating. Even when you on Sunday between 9 and 10 am. We apologise for any delay in your journey. Announcer: Four. Ferry: Welcome aboard this Valley Island ferry. Your journey will take around 30 minutes. The crew will be happy to answer any questions you may have whilst you are on board. Please take a moment to listen to this safety announcement: take care on the top deck as the floor may be slippery, lifejackets can be found in the blue boxes on each deck. Announcer: Five. Bus: Ticket inspectors operate on this bus. Pay-as-you- go users are reminded to touch in your Oyster Card as soon as they board. … A ticket check is about to commence. Please have your tickets or passes ready for inspection. Announcer: Six. Bus: The Blue Line bus to Cambridge will leave from bay 5 at 10.14. Please buy your tickets before boarding and ensure you do not leave your baggage unattended. Any unattended baggage will be removed. This service calls at Longlands, Fossey Way, High Street and West Street. Please press the red button if you wish to get off the bus. Coursebook, Unit 09, exercise 12b ( À 23) Announcer: Listen to Lizzie helping her grandmother buy a ticket at the train station. Gran: Here we are …Thank you, Lizzie dear, it’s so nice of you to help me. Lizzie: That’s OK, Granny, this bag really is too heavy for you. I think you should get one with wheels on it, you know. Gran: I know, I just never seem to get around to buying one …Well, my dear, off you go, I can manage from here. Lizzie: OK, Gran, bye then, enjoy London! Gran: Och, it’s only for two days, I’m not sure I’ll have time to see much. … Oh dear! Lizzie: What’s the matter? Gran: Just look at the queue at the ticket counter, I might miss my train if I have to wait too long. Lizzie: Why don’t you try one of the machines, Gran? Look, there are two that are free, you can get your ticket straight away. Gran: I’m not sure, I’ve never done this before. Lizzie: This is going to be so much faster. Why don’t you try it, I’ll help you, come on. Do you want to pay cash or with your card? Gran: Er, why do you ask? Lizzie: Well, one machine takes both, but the other one is just for cards. Gran: Cash, I think. A card would require a code, wouldn’t it? I’ve just got a new credit card, and I’m not sure I know the code. I always need to check at home first. Lizzie: OK, cash then. That’s this machine over here. So, Cambridge to London …Which station in London are you going to? Gran: Ah, King’s Cross, I think. Yes, King’s Cross. Lizzie: OK, King’s Cross, here we are … Are we off- peak already? Let me see … Oh, there’s no difference anyway … So, a standard single ticket, Gran, or do you have a Senior Railcard? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv