way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

60 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) Announcer: Nine. Airport: Streamline flights regret to announce that their 14.45 pm flight to Glasgow will be delayed for approximately 45 minutes. Please listen for further announcements. Announcer: Ten. Bus: Ticket inspectors operate on this bus. Pay-as-you- go users are reminded to touch in your Oyster Card as soon as you board. … A ticket check is about to commence. Please have your tickets or passes ready for inspection. Announcer: Eleven. Tube: This train ends here. All change. Please take all your personal belongings with you. Please be aware. Pickpockets operate in this area. Announcer: Twelve. Train: The next train to depart from Platform 5 will be the 11.34 service to Hull, calling at Grantham, Redford, Doncaster, Selby, and Hull. Will passengers intending to travel on this service please join the train now, as it is ready to leave. … Platform 5 for the 11.34 Hull trains service … which is ready to leave. … Security personnel patrol this station 24 hours a day. Announcer: Thirteen. Bus: The Blue Line bus to Cambridge will leave from bay 5 at 10.14. Please buy your tickets before boarding and ensure you do not leave your baggage unattended. Any unattended baggage will be removed. This service calls at Longlands, Fossey Way, High Street and West Street. Please press the red button if you wish to get off the bus. Announcer: Fourteen. Ferry: Please note that additional seating is available on the upper deck. Coursebook, Unit 09, exercise 11b ( À 22) Announcer: Listen to the different announcements. … One. Airport: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, flight 722 to Lisbon is now ready for boarding at Gate 4. Would passengers in rows 1 to 15 please board first and have your boarding cards and passports ready for inspection. Please remember, hand luggage should not weigh more than 8 kg and should be stowed in the overhead lockers. Please note that your electronic devices must be switched off or in flight mode while you’re on board the plane. Announcer: Two. Train: The train arriving at platform 11b is the 14.45 cross- country service to Birmingham, calling at all stations. This service has a buffet car for snacks and drinks which can be found in the carriage behind the engine. We apologise for the delay of this train, which was caused by a tree on the rails in Northfield. … Please stand well back – the train is approaching the platform. Take care when boarding the train, and mind the gap. Announcer: Three. Tube: The next station is Baker Street. Change here for Circle and Bakerloo lines, exit for Madame Tussaud’s. Upon arrival, the last set of doors will not open. Passengers in the last carriage, please move towards the front doors to leave the train. Please note, due to repair work in the tunnel, this service will be limited making sure he’s not bored or that he doesn’t hurt himself. All I’m going to do is lie in the sun and keep an eye on my brother. Pf! I’d much rather stay at home and have the whole house to myself so I can have a party with my friends, but my family, my parents say I have to go with them because it’s something we do every year and it bonds us together, so I don’t really have a choice … Coursebook, Unit 09, exercise 11a ( À 21) Announcer: Listen to the different announcements. … One. Airport: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, flight 722 to Lisbon is now ready for boarding at Gate 4. Would passengers in rows 1 to 15 please board first and have your boarding cards and passports ready for inspection. Please remember, hand luggage should not weigh more than 8 kilos and should be stowed in the overhead lockers. Please note that your electronic devices must be switched off or in flight mode while you’re on board the plane. Announcer: Two. Tube station: Mind the gap. Mind the gap. Mind the gap. This train is now ready to depart. Please stand clear of the doors. … Doors closing. Announcer: Three. Bus: The wheelchair space is now required. Can passengers in this area please make room. Thank you. Announcer: Four. Train station: The train arriving at platform 11b is the 14.45 cross-country service to Birmingham, calling at all stations. This service has a buffet car for snacks and drinks which can be found in the carriage behind the engine. We apologise for the delay of this train, which was caused by a tree on the rails in Northfield. … Please stand well back – the train is approaching the platform. Take care when boarding the train, and mind the gap. Announcer: Five. Airport: This is the last call for flight AM 517 to Innsbruck. Would passengers for this flight please proceed to Gate 12 immediately, where the flight is now boarding. Announcer: Six. Bus: Please move down inside the bus. Please move down inside the bus. Announcer: Seven. Tube: The next station is Baker Street. Change here for Circle and Bakerloo lines, exit for Madame Tussaud’s. Upon arrival, the last set of doors will not open. Passengers in the last carriage, please move towards the front doors to leave the train. Please note, due to repair work in the tunnel, this service will be limited on Sunday between 9 and 10 am. We apologise for any delay in your journey. Announcer: Eight. Ferry: Welcome aboard this Valley Island ferry. Your journey will take around 30 minutes. The crew will be happy to answer any questions you may have whilst you are on board. Please take a moment to listen to this safety announcement: take care on the top deck as the floor may be slippery, lifejackets can be found in the blue boxes on each deck. 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