way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

54 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) hall, you know, all dressed in white, and then we started to sing and dance a Nigerian folk song to protest his deportation. Chris: And did it help? Alice: No, it didn’t, but we all felt we had to do something. He was very grateful to us, but he was sent back a week later. Chris: Oh, I see …That’s unfortunate …Well, thank you for calling, Alice, and for playing along. Your prize is 150 pounds. Alice: Thank you, and bye-bye! Chris: Bye-bye, Alice, and our next caller is Jake, and then I’ll hand back to Nora for some more music. Hello, Jake, are you there? Jake: Yes, I am. Chris: OK. Now ( sound ) is actually for a good cause. Jake: For a good cause? Chris: Yes – meaning no nonsense like lying face down on the pavement for the fun of it. Jake: A good cause … Hm, could this be … ice-bucket challenge? Chris: Jake, you’re the champion! That’s right, ice-bucket challenge! How did you guess? The good cause, obviously. Jake: Well, I just couldn’t think of any other trend that is for a good cause, so I just gave it a try. Chris: And you’ve won yourself 200 pounds, isn’t that great? Jake: ( laughs ) Yeah, fab, really fab. Chris: Can I ask you a question? Jake: Sure. Chris: Would you do it, the ice-bucket challenge, I mean, would you dump a bucket of cold water on your head if somebody nominated you? Jake: If it was summer, I suppose I’d do it. Chris: Well it IS summer, so if I nominated you? And you have somebody film you and mail it to us? Would that be a deal? Jake: Deal. Chris: Deal? That was quick. … And now we’re really running out of time. I’ll hand over quickly to Nora and say bye-bye to all of you out there. Make sure you join us for next week’s challenge on your friendly local radio … Coursebook, Unit 06, exercise 7 ( À 13) Announcer: Listen to the short descriptions of three different trends. … One. Speaker: Neon colours have been in and out of fashion since the 1980s. Back then these bright colours were popular for items of clothing. Pop stars like Madonna wore neon bracelets and fingerless gloves. So many teenagers copied this style. Now and then neon colours came back into fashion. Still, they were never again as popular as in the 1980s. Announcer: Two. Speaker: If you’ve ever waited in a queue for a long time, you will know it’s not easy to stand still without moving. Some American students decided to turn this idea into a trend with the mannequin challenge. The mannequin challenge quickly became a trend around the world. People stood like frozen statues while others filmed them, and often the films had music in the background. Chris: Hello, John, we can hear you all right, how are you today? John: Oh, thank you, I’m fine. Chris: OK then, John, let’s see … So, ( sound ) involves a good sense of balance and sometimes quite a bit of muscle strength. John: Hm, well, that might be a lot of things. …What about those wobbly things stretched between two trees that the youngsters walk on, that needs a lot of balance, but I can’t think what it’s called … Chris: You mean slacklining, that’s a good guess, John, but unfortunately it’s not that. So, ready for the second clue? John: I guess I am. Chris: ( sound ) involves just two people – the person who does it and the person who takes a picture of it and then posts it on social media. John: Two people, on social media … No, I think I need some more information. Chris: OK, here’s the third clue: ( sound ) needs to be done in, or on, unusual locations. … 4th clue? John: Yes, please. Chris: OK, here we go: your arms need to be by your sides, and your body needs to be flat. John: Your arms need to be by your sides … and your body is flat … Ah, I think I’ve seen this, but not on park benches. Now, what did they call it? Something with ‘p’ … plonking, ponking, planking … Planking! I think that’s what they call it! Chris: And you’re absolutely right! It’s called planking. You lie down with your arms by your side, completely flat, and you need a lot of muscles to be completely flat, I can tell you that, I’ve tried, believe me. So John, you’ve won 50 quid, thanks for calling and playing along. Are you going to try planking now? John: No, I don’t think so ( laughs ). Anyway, the pleasure’s been all mine. Chris: And here’s our next caller, Alice, from Cherwell. Hello, Alice. Alice: Hello, Chris. Chris: Hi, how are you today? Alice: I’m fine, thank you, and you? Chris: I’m great, especially since I’m talking to you now ( both laugh ). Alice, are you ready for the first clue? Alice: Yes! Chris: OK, here goes: ( sound ) involves many people, normal people like you and me. Alice: Oh dear, that could be almost anything. Can I have another clue? Chris: Certainly. You arrange to meet in a public place to attract maximum attention. Alice: Flashmob? Chris: Wonderful. Yes, that’s it, flashmob. It’s actually really rare, Alice, that people guess right after the second clue. Well done! How did you get it? Alice: Well, actually, I’ve taken part in one, and we did discuss where we should do it so that lots of people would see us. Chris: Did you now? That’s interesting. What did you do? Alice: Well, it was actually a protest because we had this friend who was from Nigeria and was going to be deported after finishing his studies here in Britain, back to Nigeria, so we arranged to meet in front of the town Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv