way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

48 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) Adam: You can say that again ( starts to laugh too ). I’m the punting star on a zillion tourist videos now. I just felt sooo foolish sliding down that pole, but actually, before that happened, I think I was doing quite nicely, so I’d like to try again another day. Hannah: That’s the spirit. And we’ll pick a really warm day, and you can put your bathing trunks on straight away, so we won’t have to put your jeans in the sun to dry them ( giggles ) … Coursebook, Unit 02, exercise 10 ( À 04) Announcer: Listen to the students talking about their after-school clubs. … Speaker 1. Speaker 1: This is a photo Alan took yesterday and emailed to me so I can show it to my grandad. In the picture I’m standing next to Steve, who is sitting on the edge of the table. I’m the one with the curly blond hair. You can easily see John standing behind us as he is so tall! Have you noticed that all the boys are standing on one side and all the girls on the other? That’s because the girls are singing the high notes and the boys are singing the low notes. It’s easier to concentrate if we are standing with people singing the same music. What do you think of our school uniforms? The girls are wearing blue checked skirts that look like Scottish kilts. We are all wearing a blue blazer with the school badge on it. I think it looks pretty smart. The three girls in the front row are all in my class and the three in the back row are in the year below us. In the foreground you can see our conductor, Ms Jansen. She’s fun and is relaxed most of the time, apart from when we are performing. Then she gets very serious – but she does a great job. Announcer: Speaker 2. Speaker 2: This is my favourite after-school club. We’re talking about ideas for our next project and looking quite excited. I’m the one on the right and I’m leaning forward to hear what Sarah’s saying, because Robert is standing between us. And of course, Sarah is telling everyone what to do, and we’re all listening. She’s the one in the centre with the short black hair, and she can be really annoying sometimes, but very often she has good ideas. We always discuss ideas as a group first, and then everyone gets started on their own texts. We’re writing short stories at the moment. Normally, I’m quite good at these, but this time I’m finding it really difficult to come up with a good ending to my story. That’s why I’m interested to hear what everyone else thinks. Announcer: Speaker 3. Speaker 3: Here we’re doing an experiment with different fluids. There’s a lot of equipment on the table, but we’re not using all of it. I’m wearing a lab coat to protect my clothes and I’m pouring a solution into a flask. Everyone’s watching me and Dave is even trying to help me. He’s the one on the right. Can you see him giving me something? He always thinks he knows best. In the picture it looks like I’m quite relaxed and know what I’m doing, but I’m actually just trying something out. Two seconds after Ms Jones took this picture, I dropped the bottle and spilled everything on Janey’s new sneakers. You can see her standing on my left. She’s not speaking to me at the moment, but I hope she’ll forgive me soon. Announcer: Tabitha. Tabitha: I have very few close friends, a small circle, but at school I think I’m quite friendly with the majority of the year. I recently just deleted my Facebook account because I was kind of considering whether these people are my friends, and I felt I knew more about strangers than I needed to know and I wanted to be comfortable with the fact that I know who my friends are. I saw people with hundreds and hundreds of friends and that kind of made me think about what friendship means, and that’s why I deleted my account. Coursebook, Unit 02, exercise 7 ( À 03) Announcer: Listen to Hannah and Adam telling Hannah’s mother Jane about the punting incident. Aunt Jane: So how are you enjoying Cambridge, Adam? How was the punting? Hannah: ( giggling ) Adam: The punting was fine, Aunt Jane. Hannah: ( giggling ) Aunt Jane: Reeeally? You look as if something went wrong? Did you fall in? Hannah: ( giggling ) Yes, he did and it was soo funny. Aunt Jane: Oh, dear. What happened, did you get really wet? Do you need to dry your clothes? Adam: No, thank you. Actually, I’m fine, because it was just part of my jeans that got wet, and the sun was really hot this afternoon, so they’re dry again. Hannah: ( giggling ) Yes, but which part of your jeans … He managed to get just his bottom wet and keep his legs dry, Mum! Aunt Jane: Well, this sounds like quite a story. Why don’t you help me get supper ready and tell me all about it? Hannah: You know that bit past the colleges … where the river is really muddy and shallow? Well, we had got that far, and Adam wanted to give it a try. Adam: We don’t have anything like this in the States. We row, we don’t poke the riverbed with a stick. And punting looks quite easy and I’d never done it, so I thought, why not? Aunt Jane: And you fell in. Hannah: It was much, much funnier than just falling in. The pole got stuck. Aunt Jane: Oh dear. Adam: I think I was doing fine, you know, getting the hang of it, when suddenly I couldn’t get the pole out of the mud again, and I found myself hanging on it, and the boat, the punt, just went on. So of course I gave the others a shout, but it took them ages to get back to me because they were all laughing like mad and couldn’t paddle properly, so I slowly slid down the stick, the pole, and felt like a complete idiot – I mean, there were people taking pictures of me hanging on to this thing like a monkey! Hannah: And he kept his feet in the air and his bottom was in the water when we finally got to the pole and managed to get him into the punt – and you were red in the face and really angry, Adam, even though we were all laughing. Aunt Jane: I bet! Poor Adam, that’s not a very nice first punt. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv