way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

47 transcripts Coursebook (audio + video) Coursebook, Unit 01, exercises 11b and 11c ( À 01) Announcer: Listen to the British students introducing themselves. … Daniel. Daniel: Hi, I’m Dan Harrison. Dan’s short for Daniel. Well, so I’m going to describe myself. I’m fairly tall, and I’ve got short black hair and big brown eyes and I’ve got an earring in my left ear. And I’m wearing a blue polo shirt today. I’ve got one brother, he’s 18 and he’s learning to be an electrician. We live in a flat with my mum and my stepdad. He’s really cool, my stepdad. My hobbies are skateboarding, and – you’ll never guess – drawing, painting and computers, so I’m hoping to become a graphic designer or to design websites for small companies. I’ve already done the website for my stepdad’s carpet cleaning business and I think it looks pretty cool. I’m a fan of Taylor Swift, maybe you know her, she sings American country and pop music? I really like her, and I’m also a fan of Beckii Cruel. I don’t know whether you’ve heard of her, she’s British and she’s really famous in Japan. She’s a big star in Japan because she looks like a Manga figure. She’s turned herself into a Manga star and I think that’s awesome! OK, erm, yeah, and I think our project will turn out great! Announcer: Lizzie. Lizzie: Hello, my name is Elisabeth Nelson. My friends call me Lizzie. I’ve got blue eyes and long, curly dark hair, which I usually tie back when I’m at school. I enjoy listening to music and I love playing the drums and the piano. I like inline skating, but I don’t skate very often because I also play in the school band, and practising for that takes up a lot of my time. My mum is a nurse, and her partner, Pam, is a doctor. I’ve got a younger sister, she’s called Kerry. She’s my stepsister, really. She wants to become a lorry driver, but she’s still quite small, she’s only 10 years old. Myself, I’d like to work with animals, like in a zoo or in a national park. I love pets. We have a dog called Bobby and I take him out a lot for walks. I also have an older brother, Steve, and we fight a lot over my laptop because he broke his and he’s always borrowing mine. I’m a fan of Emma Watson, you know, Hermione, the actress from the Harry Potter films? I’ve read all the Harry Potter books and I’ve got all the films on DVD and also some of her other films like ‘The Circle’. Well, and I’d like to tell you that I’m really looking forward to doing this project and learning all about your countries, and maybe I’ll be able to meet some of you in person. Bye! Announcer: Mark. Mark: Hi, I’m Mark. I’m 15, I’ve got 2 sisters and 1 brother. My sisters are 8 and 12, and my brother is 17. He’s taking his final exams this year and studying very hard. We live in a flat right in the centre of town, and my parents run a small shop and a post office close to our flat. My plans for the future – I don’t know yet – maybe I’ll become a shopkeeper like my parents or study medicine or business. But what I really would like to do is professional sports. I’ve been doing Chinese martial arts since I was 5 years old and I’m really into it. I also think I’m quite good at it. I like doing it because it keeps me fit and it’s also a link to my Chinese roots. My grandmother is from Taiwan, you know. So, I’m a huge fan of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee films, although they are quite old. In my spare time, I go to the gym a lot, at least three times per week for a couple of hours and practise there, I help my parents in the shop if they need me, and I like reading. I like reading books about China and Chinese history. I’d like to travel to Taiwan one day and to China, to see the country myself. But in the meantime I’m looking forward to learning more about Europe. Bye for now! Coursebook, Unit 01, exercises 14b and 14c ( À 02) Announcer: Listen to four people talking about friends on social media sites. … Susan. Susan: A Facebook friend is just an acquaintance. You want to have a way of communicating with them, but they are not close enough to exchange phone numbers or emails because that’s a bit too personal. You just want to maybe, stay in touch with them somehow. I think that friends on any social media site, they’re not really friends, it’s more impersonal because they’re a number and a face and not necessarily someone you’ve actually met in real life. They are just an acquaintance that you try to keep in touch with, but you only speak to very few of them through personal messages. But I think it is possible to create a secure and close friendship with someone online if you really want to, but it takes time and it takes much longer than if you meet that person first. Announcer: Arthur. Arthur: Well, I’ve seen people with like thousands of friends, but I think I have about 350, maybe 400. You can have different groups of friends from, like, different schools and different clubs. It’s more like friends of friends, so you feel like you know them, but really they are just your friends’ friends and the circle gets really big and you don’t really know who they are. I actually find it quite stressful sometimes, you have to impress them because you are friends with them but you don’t really know them. Announcer: Jennifer. Jennifer: In year seven, everybody was getting on Facebook, so I kind of jumped on the bandwagon and got on it too. And first it was interesting to catch up with primary school friends, not really get in touch with them, just see what they were doing. But then I realised that I didn’t really like it, because I’d rather spend time talking to my friends, I found that speaking to them in person was more interesting to me anyway. I found that I was just using it to catch up with people that I didn’t even talk to any more, and we didn’t really need to bother with each other, to be honest. So I decided to deactivate my Facebook account to see if I could do without it, and I decided I just didn’t need it. Now I do use Snapchat to update my closest friends about what I’m doing, and for school, for projects, we sometimes form WhatsApp groups to update each other outside of class. Hm, thinking about it, I actually don’t know a lot of people who still use Facebook at all. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv