way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

46 unIt 12 | the future of … who will take care of you and show you all the local sights, safe and caring environment, carefully matched, strong connections, remain in touch for the rest of their lives, develop self-confidence and independence, improve your language skills, benefit from the chance, new ideas, fresh point of view, new knowledge, lifelong friends Lösungen: Things you can do: live with a host family, see the sights, make strong connections, make lifelong friends, go to school, develop self-confidence and independence Things you can experience: a new culture, host family, teenagers’ lives in other countries, school system, new ideas, fresh point of view Übergang zur Lebenswelt der Schüler/innen. LANGUAGE IN USE Lösungen: 1 I, 2 D, 3 E, 4 H, 5 B, 6 G, 7 K, 8 F (Not used: A, J) Frieda’s staying in Spain. SPEAKING Bei dieser paired activity ist wieder besonders auf den situativen Kontext zu achten. (Es geht um ein gemeinsames Auslandssemester.) Time travel SPEAKING Diese Übung bietet die Möglichkeit, Vokabular aus den früheren Units zu wiederholen. Geben Sie den Schüler/innen ausreichend Zeit, um sich vorzubereiten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Schüler/innen ihre Erzählungen gut strukturieren. WRITING Erinnern Sie die Schüler/innen an die Funktion des Operators recommend . (Empfehlung für ein Buch, 1 b 10 11 a 1 b 12 13 a 1 b 14 einen Film, eine Reise etc. und die Begründung, warum man jemandem rät, etwas Bestimmtes zu tun.) READING Lösungen: A 4, Back to the Future ; B 1, The Time Machine ; C 6, Interstellar ; D 5, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure ; E 2, Star Trek IV (Not used: 3) The Terminator. SPEAKING Antworten der Schüler/innen. Die Schüler/innen sollen zur Entscheidungsfindung die Filmbeschreibungen heranziehen. Just for fun: Postcards from the past Pupils get a blank postcard or piece of card. They think of a time in the past where they would like to travel (but this should not be the same place and time as in the blog post of exercise 14). They write a postcard to another pupil describing their experiences, what they see and hear, but don’t say where or when they are writing about. Pupils exchange postcards and try to guess where and when the person has time-travelled to using the clues. Suggestions: The Great Fire of London in 1666, the moon landing in 1969, the Mount Vesuvius eruption onto Pompei in AD 79, the first ascent of Mount Everest in 1953, etc. BY THE WAY – Predictions that didn’t come true Mögliche Antworten: possible reasons: cultural (gender) habits change, inventions function better than expected back then, new activities have become better and more entertaining, some inventions are too expensive, which makes them unrealistic LANGUAGE – Topic vocabulary Antworten der Schüler/innen. 15 a 1 b 16 17 18 LISTENING (MC) Lösungen: 1 C, 2 C, 3 D, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D 1 À 30 LANGUAGE IN USE (ED) Lösungen: 1 each, 2 for, 3  , 4 also, 5  , 6 out, 7 what, 8  , 9 in, 10 all, 11  , 12 on 2 Progress check 04 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv