way2go! 5, Band für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

28 unIt 06 | All the rage 5 meant peace / rock and roll / peace / skinheads / loads of things, 6 signal their success / show they’re successful, 7 “I’m real” Inhaltliche Nachbearbeitung des Videos. Mögliche Antworten: Jeans were originally made from tent fabric. Levi Strauss was running a shop in San Francisco. Levi Strauss invented jeans. Jeans were used as work clothes because they didn’t tear easily. Dating is very popular among teens. Jeans were and are an important part of youth culture. Levi’s is one of the best-selling brands for jeans. Teens used jeans to show they didn’t care. The peace protesters of the 20 th century often wore jeans. Clothes are often used to signal success in life. Just for fun: Designer jeans Pupils either bring an old pair of jeans to school or draw the outline of a pair on a large piece of paper. Then they personalise the jeans (or paper outline) by cutting, ripping, sticking shapes or badges on, using textile markers to draw and colour, etc. Have a fashion show or hang up the jeans, and each pupil has to explain their design to the class in English. WRITING Ein blog comment zum Thema torn jeans und school uniforms : Wiederholen Sie die Bedeutung des Operators give your opinion on (eingeführt in Unit 2). A healthy body image SPEAKING Mögliche Antworten: The left picture is the original. The man’s skin tone shows shades of red, some spots, and his skin is not perfectly smooth. In the right picture his skin tone has been made lighter and imperfections, such as wrinkles, have been retouched. His eyes seem bigger in the right picture and his eyebrows are more shapely. The ear piercing from the original picture has been taken out and his ear looks untouched. His hair colour has also changed a bit. Mögliche Antworten: 1 People don’t like it when others notice their imperfections, so they can erase them this way. Companies try to sell products, so they have to make them look as appealing as possible. 1 c 11 12 a 1 b Die drei kurzen Trend-Beschreibungen zeigen auf, wie die present perfect verwendet werden kann. Lösung: You can use the present perfect to begin a statement. It connects the past to the present for your audience. You then use the past simple to give more details. WRITING Ziel des Schreibauftrags ist es, past simple und present perfect aktiv zu verwenden. Alternativ könnten leistungsstarke Schüler/innen auch einen Trend erfinden und dessen Entwicklungsgeschichte aufschreiben. Denim – a way of life? SPEAKING Diese Aufgaben dienen dazu, die Schüler/innen auf das Thema Jeans einzustimmen. Ermutigen Sie die Schüler/innen dazu, auf Basis der Fragen ein Mind-Map zu erstellen. Das Mind-Map soll dann in einer anderen Zweier­ konstellation präsentiert und besprochen werden. Die im Schulbuch abgebildete Grafik stellt eine (einfachere) Alternative zu 9a dar, die ergänzt werden könnte. LISTENING + VIEWING Mögliche Antworten: Picture A shows a group of miners who worked near San Francisco during the Gold Rush of the late 1800s. They wore jeans as work clothes because the fabric was very strong. Picture B shows part of an advertisement (a commercial) illustrating that after the Second World War, teenagers were the new target group for jeans retail. Picture C shows a young man being arrested by the police. The scene is part of a street riot. Jeans were a sign of rebellion after the Second World War. Picture D seems to be from the 1960s, when jeans were also adopted by the hippie (‘flower power’) movement and were seen as a symbol for peace and freedom. Das Video wird mit einem SRP-Aufgabenformat bearbeitet; ein zweimaliges Abspielen wäre ratsam. Lösungen: 1 San Francisco, 2 (Nîmes in) France, 3 World War II / the Second World War, 4 dating / riding motorbikes / being cool / not caring, 7 À 13 8 9 1 a 1 b 10 a 7 b Ö BBC 02 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv