way2go! 8, Schulbuch

49 Do some research on the Fourth Industrial Revolution mentioned in the article. What does this mean? What were the previous three industrial revolutions? Write a short introduction to this topic in around 200 words. WRITING 31 suits his busy lifestyle. “It is convenient because you can do it in your own time,” he says. “It’s there for you, you don’t have to rock up to a classroom anywhere, you don’t need to wait for someone to teach you, it’s there whenever you want to access it, 24/7. It’s the most convenient learning you’ll ever get, it’s just whether you can motivate yourself to do it. Universities are going to start to change their approach – at the end of the day people are rushed and want to learn more quickly in a quick amount of time.” Susan Drew, a recruitment company director, says the projected impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are already being realised. Workers are changing roles increasingly rapidly, with many in the manufacturing and finance sectors losing their roles to automation and outsourcing. She says a university degree remains important, but of increasing value is a CV brimming with examples of lifelong learning. “It’s easier than ever for people to demonstrate that want and desire to continually develop by online training. This doesn’t have to be formal – networking, being part of groups on social media, following certain people on Ted Talks, broadening day-to-day knowledge – anything to demonstrate the desire to improve and develop to be at the forefront of technology.” What is clear is that a generation used to on-demand media content services are increasingly wanting the same from their education services – binge-learning new skills just as they binge-watch their favourite shows, rather than waiting for a university degree to dole out information the way a TV station drip-feeds content to a set schedule. One entrepreneur, Adam Brimo, says, “Many people today are looking to learn new skills, but they don’t have the time or patience to complete an entire qualification. Therefore, they are looking for courses that can be completed in weeks or months, rather than years.” Company director Anne Knock says that lifelong learning has never been so important as now, with the projected redundancies from automation in particular requiring a change in focus in what is taught. “What we really need to be focusing on is a sense of being creative in our learning, not locking into one job for the rest of your life. You need a range of skills,” she says, pausing for a moment. “The job-forlife era has truly passed.” Statements T F First four words 0 In the future, there will be a reduction in the number of jobs available to humans. A report predicts that 1 In years to come, it will be important for people to have strong skills in one particular career field. 2 The latest advancement in the world of work is that education should be ongoing. 3 Ben Tripodi is confident that he can keep pace with his competitors. 4 Tripodi believes young people have lost touch with the importance of psychological well-being. 5 It’s unacceptable to prospective employers if you learn from watching videos online. 6 It’s becoming popular to study for a shorter time, rather than do a degree. 7 Imaginativeness and flexibility will be perceived as vital professional qualities. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv