way2go! 8, Schulbuch

47 Talk about the following questions with a partner. 1 What’s more important for you: earning a lot of money or working to help others? Why? 2 What other aspects are important for you in a job? Prestige, job security, being your own boss? 3 How might your working life in the future be different to that of your parents? Expand your vocabulary: Work and money Read the statements about work below. What do the highlighted expressions mean? Compare your ideas with a partner, then check. 1 My company offers perks like free parking or lunch deals to attract talented employees. 2 Managers discuss their staff’s achievements and salaries in regular performance reviews. 3 Many people find it difficult to ask their managers for a raise, even if they work hard. 4 We might have to make some cuts to prevent the project from going over budget. 5 Greater transparency will create pressure to reduce the wage gap between men and women. Each one of the expressions in the box below is similar in meaning to one of the expressions above. Match them. SPEAKING 22 The future of work LANGUAGE 23 a b a assessments b becoming too expensive c benefits d difference in earnings e increase Watch the news report about the novel way a London company handles salaries. Then answer the questions below. 1 What does ‘radical salary transparency’ mean? 2 What do employees have to do to get a raise? 3 What advantages of this approach are described? 4 What disadvantages are mentioned? Compare your answers in class. Then use the information to write a summary of the video in three to five sentences. Would you like to work in a company that handles salaries this way? What advantages and disadvantages do you see? Discuss in small groups and try to come to an agreement. Share your ideas in class. Choose a traditional job from the first part of the unit that you are interested in. Write a paragraph about what the job might have been like 20 years ago. Then make predictions what it could be like in 20 years’ time in another paragraph. What skills did these jobs require in the past, what might they require in the future? Share your texts in class and comment on them in writing. Example: Twenty years ago, musicians used to earn a lot of money with the sale of CDs. In future, musicians will/are going to/might/could … With a partner, discuss what the term ‘lifelong learning’ might mean. Share your ideas with the class, then get a definition from your teacher to see if you were right. With the same partner, discuss how you could keep acquiring new knowledge and/or skills once you are no longer in an educational setting such as a school or university. Write a PEEL paragraph of around 120 words arguing that lifelong learning is/isn’t absolutely necessary for young people today. See Writing coach, PEEL, p. 165. LISTENING + VIEWING 24 03 WRITING 25 SPEAKING 26 WRITING 27 SPEAKING 28 a b WRITING 29 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv