way2go! 8, Schulbuch

40 Talk about the job adverts below with a partner. 1 What will people be expected to do in the jobs advertised? 2 Which three qualities are most important for each of these jobs? 3 Who in your class would be most suitable to do each job? SPEAKING 1 B Call 0800-3004455 Have you got the power? We’re looking for more people to keep our eMobile scooters around the city charged and ready to use. Do you have what it takes to become an eMobile juicer? Competitive rates. A We need a graphic designer. D We’re looking for computer engineers who like to solve difficult problems. Call us on this number now: x=12, y=24 01 (y²∙x)∙(y∙x³)∙10 E Street Fundraiser As a street fundraiser, you’ll be workin g on the high streets of London, signing people up f or regular direct debit donations to an importan t cause. Without fundraisers, important chariti es wouldn’t be able to do the vital work that they do. Call us on 020 79 460 140 and speak to Karl, who can explain your role in more detail and a rrange an interview. We look forward to hearing from you! Help wanted! We’re looking for: servers (part-time, weekends) kitchen staff (part-time) a bartender (full-time) Students welcome. Inquire within. C Unit 03 Up to the job x85q38 In this unit you will: think about your best qualities write an application and a CV practise doing job interviews ponder the working life of your future discuss how we might work less learn to keep away from false friends Work in pairs. Describe an unusual job to your partner. (You can also make one up.) Write a short job ad for the job your partner has told you about. Put up the ads in class. Read them all, then have a vote on the most interesting job. SPEAKING + WRITING 2 a b c Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv