190 KEY SEMESTER CHECK Semester check, pp. 82–87 Iceland cuts teen drinking with curfews, youth centers (T/F/J) Key: 1 T, The walk is one/Focusing on local participation; 2 F, Other countries are taking; 3 F, The secret, she says/That stands in sharp; 4 F, In 1999, when thousands/On average, 80% of; 5 F, Denmark – another wealthy Nordic; 6 T, He believes the wide; 7 T, To make the programs; 8 F, We tell the kids Semester check – answer key READING 1 LESEN B2+ Ich kann ein breites Spektrum an Texten (auch literarischen) auch zu weniger vertrauten Themen verstehen und die Hauptaussagen sowie spezifische Informationen und implizite Bedeutungen erfassen. 8–7: 6–5: 4–0: Study the list below before your partner starts with his/her long turn. Tick the questions while your partner is speaking. Give honest feedback by telling your partner what went really well and what needs improving. Did your partner … Yes No 1 introduce the topic? 2 explain what the quote means in his/her own words? 3 provide relevant supporting details when explaining the quote? 4 move elegantly from content point 1 to content point 2? 5 provide good examples with supporting details when discussing the importance of money for today’s teenagers? 6 move elegantly from content point 2 to content point 3? 7 use modal verbs and conditionals when speculating about the future of digital payment? 8 speak fluently without reading from notes he/she has made? 9 speak for around 5 minutes? What next? If you have a different answer from the key, ask your teacher where the misunderstanding came from. How did you misunderstand the text or the sentence in the task? Then do the task again in about two weeks and see if you’ve remembered. Plastic-eating bacteria (MM) Key: 1 H, 2 C, 3 J, 4 E, 5 A, 6 G, 7 K, 8 B LISTENING 2 HÖREN B2+ Ich kann gesprochene Standardsprache verstehen, wenn es um vertraute oder auch um weniger vertraute Themen geht. 8–7: 6–5: 4–0: What next? First, listen to the interview again and check if you can hear all the correct answers now you know what they are. Practise your listening skills with other exam tasks, then come back to this task in a few weeks. Can you still hear all the correct answers? Individual long turn SPEAKING 3 a SPRECHEN B2+ Ich kann flüssig, korrekt und wirkungsvoll über ein breites Spektrum allgemeiner Themen sprechen und dabei Zusammenhänge zwischen Ideen deutlich machen. Paired activity b SPRECHEN B2+ Ich kann Gedanken und Meinungen präzise ausdrücken, überzeugend argumentieren und auf komplexe Argumentationen anderer reagieren. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv