way2go! 8, Schulbuch

169 Sample answer SpikesR Wake up, young people and politicians alike! I was pretty shocked this week when I read an article on the number of people who turn up to vote in elections. The statistics show that, when it comes to voting, older people lead the field and young people lag way behind. What’s wrong with young people and politics? I believe the main problem is that many teenagers just aren’t informed well enough about the different political parties and their policies. And if they don’t know what’s out there, they can’t make a rational choice. It’s vital that everyone finds out what differentiates one politician from another by listening to interviews and reading information online. Also, I’m afraid that some teenagers might be influenced by their peers, and if one person says they’re not going to vote, their friends may do the same and not cast their ballot either. Another thing is that young people might wonder why they should care about politics at all. There’s a simple answer to this: It’s their future. They have been given the privilege of a voice, so why not use it? It’s pointless to complain about issues that affect them, such as tuition fees or wider issues like the environment, if they don’t take part in elections. It’s no good moaning that other people make all the decisions if they don’t influence who the decision-makers are by voting for them. In the long run, voting for political parties that take an interest in the younger generation is the only way to make things happen. But what can be done to mobilise the youth vote? Ultimately, it’s up to the politicians to encourage them to go to the polls. Politicians should clearly (and loudly!) focus on issues that matter to young people, using social media to reach out to them. If politics were more approachable and interesting, teenagers might take a greater interest, which would make them want to vote. Political parties should also show that they treat young people as adults. They don’t want to feel patronised or looked down on. Involving them in decision-making processes at an early age might be the first step in the right direction. So, wake up, young people and politicians alike! Do the right thing and reach out to each other! Together you can bring about change and eventually make the world a better place! reply Use direct questions. Bullet point 3 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 1 User name Catchy, bold title to arouse the readers’ interest and to give them an idea of what the blog post is about. Introduction: Let your readership know what you are going to write about. Make them want to continue reading. Use linking devices to link the paragraphs. Address the reader. Conclusion: Encourage the readers to comment on your blog post or to take action. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv