way2go! 8, Schulbuch

166 WRITING COACH Sample task You have passed the preselection process to be an assistant sports trainer at an international summer camp in Croatia. Now the organiser of the summer camp for 12- to 16-year-olds, John Ferguson, has asked for details regarding your qualifications and work experience with this age group. Write an email to Mr Ferguson. In your email you should: specify your relevant qualifications describe your work experience with the age group outline what you could do with the teenagers Write around 250 words. You write a formal email to give or ask for information, respond to a request, apologise, complain, make suggestions, state facts or apply for a job. The recipient is usually someone that you don’t know so well or don’t know at all. If you don’t know the recipient at all, you write Dear Sir or Madam as a salutation and sign off with Yours faithfully. Mind the punctuation: Either put a comma after the salutation and your signing off or leave out the commas in both cases. It is important that you are specific about the purpose of your email. It should be clear, polite and to the point. If necessary, let the recipient know what action you expect him/her to take before signing off. Formal email Formal emails in a nutshell Addresses: From: Your name and email address To: The person you are writing to Subject line (Re): What the email is about. Salutation: Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr/Ms Ferguson, Introduction: State the purpose of your email. Main body: Address and develop the content points. Start a new paragraph for each content point and emphasise what’s important at the beginning of each paragraph. Closing: State what action you expect the recipient to take (e.g.give information, demand a refund, etc.), or express the wish that you want to stay in contact with him/her. Signing off: Very formally (often in job applications): Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Quite formally (especially if you know the recipient): Best wishes, Kind regards, Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv