way2go! 8, Schulbuch

16 Unit 01 | Healthy and happy Are you ready for the foods of the future? Do this quiz to find out! READING 19 Food for thought What’s your first reaction seeing the bugs on this page? A My whole body starts to itch! Bugs give me the creeps. B Instant disgust. I could puke just looking at these things. C Nothing. I don’t mind insects. D I get hungry! Crunchy fried cricket – yum! 1 What do you think the future of food will look like? A We’ll probably learn more and more about food and its long-term effects, nutrient density and benefits. And then we’ll go back to having our fried chicken with chips and love it. B I suppose people will always eat what they find tasty, and sometimes even overeat. C Vegan or vegetarian. We can’t continue raising and slaughtering animals on such a grand scale. D I can’t wait to find out! There are so many exotic ingredients and textures yet to be discovered. 3 What would you expect insects to taste and feel like in your mouth? A I guess they’d taste like chicken? So, rather bland and boring … B I’d expect their shells to be gritty like sand, and everything will get stuck between my teeth. C I’m sure they would taste like soil, garbage or milk that’s gone off. They must smell rotten. D It depends on how they’re prepared – deep-fried, boiled or baked – and how they’re seasoned. I would serve them with a honey-ginger glaze and a sprinkling of habanero chili flakes. 2 Discuss the questions and your answers in pairs. How would you describe your attitude toward food options of the future? Write a short statement together. Example: If the future is indeed meatless, we should be just fine. We’re both foodies and will always find something delicious to eat, be it meatless, gluten-free, or cricket-based. Watch the video about a food of the future and take notes on the following questions. 1 What arguments in favour of or against bugs on our future plates are mentioned? Can you think of more? 2 What’s the atmosphere in the video? Where’s the event taking place? What kinds of people are attending? What kind of people aren’t there? How are the products presented to the customers? Share your findings in small groups. Then discuss what your observations could tell you about the future of eating insects. In pairs, have a mini-discussion of around 4 minutes. Student A argues that insects are the perfect solution to a protein shortage in food in the future, student B argues that there are better ways of dealing with a shortage of food containing proteins. SPEAKING + WRITING 20 LISTENING + VIEWING 21 01 SPEAKING 22 23 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv