way2go! 8, Schulbuch

157 In your blog post you should: examine reasons why tourists may book a cruise consider the impact of cruises on the environment encourage tourists to book a different kind of holiday Give your blog post a title. Write around 400 words. Read the extract below and decide which content point it addresses. Make use of it if it helps you to write a good text. Then complete the blog post using your own words. As it’s clear that cruises do more harm than good, tourists should definitely consider one of the many wonderful alternatives. There are great ways to spend your holidays that don’t involve cruise ships, and the best trip is one that doesn’t require long-distance travel at all. Don’t forget that there are lots of interesting holiday options within Europe – in places that can be reached by train, which is a much more environmentally friendly way to travel. Why be stuck on a ship with hundreds, maybe thousands of other people if you could be on a quiet beach someplace else? So, look for something that does both you and the environment good! Help Blog post Reading about the impact of tourism on the environment has inspired you to start a blog on cruises. WRITING 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv