way2go! 8, Schulbuch

155 In your essay you should discuss: possible benefits of speaking two or more foreign languages for young people the challenges of studying more than one foreign language if schools should cut lessons in other subjects to make time for foreign languages Give your essay a title. Write around 400 words. Read the two thesis statements below and decide which one argues in favour of studying two or more languages and which one argues against it. Make use of them if they help you to write a good text. Then complete the essay in your own words. A It is beneficial to learn two or more foreign languages as it makes one more marketable when looking for a job. Besides, it is easier to learn a new foreign language when one can already speak one. To enable students to study foreign languages, schools should offer additional language lessons at the expense of other subjects. B It is of no benefit to young people if they have to learn more than one foreign language as it is perfectly adequate to know one. Many students are more gifted in subject areas other than languages, and knowing English is sufficient for most purposes. In addition, more language lessons could only be provided at the expense of other subjects. Help Essay You want to study languages at a US university and have been asked to write an essay as part of the application process. Your topic is: WRITING 2 Should all students study two or more foreign languages at school? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv