way2go! 8, Schulbuch

154 EXAM PRACTICE Email You have booked an English literature course at a UK language school. Pamela Melville, the headteacher of the language school, wants to know what you expect from the literature course. You have decided to write an email. WRITING 1 The orange boxes following the tasks contain suggestions and examples showing what the writing performance could look like. Read them and make use of (part of) them if they help you to write a well-rounded text. SCHREIBEN B2+ Ich kann klare, detaillierte Texte verfassen, darin den Zusammenhang zwischen verschiedenen Ideen deutlich machen und die für das betreffende Genre geltenden Konventionen beachten. !! Writing In your email you should: describe your experience with English literature specify what kind of literature you are interested in give details on your command of English Write around 250 words. Read the extract below and decide which content point it addresses. Make use of it if it helps you to write a good text. Complete the email in your own words. The course should cover a range of modern English literature from Britain and North America, dating from the middle of the twentieth century until the present day. It should focus on novels rather than plays or poetry and include both male and female authors. I am especially interested in authors such as Margaret Atwood and Ray Bradbury, who produced novels that comment on society and were ahead of their time. Help Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv