way2go! 8, Schulbuch

149 Read the text about having a skin assessment. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 1 Language in use Facing facts As a baby-faced teenager, I (0) to spend Friday nights cursing myself for not looking older. Week after week, I was turned (1) from my local nightclub and left standing on the pavement as my friends disappeared inside. But ten years on, I was reasonably satisfied with the (2) of the baby face staring back at me in the mirror. I’d even come to enjoy getting asked for ID. However, it is all very well looking good for your age under the bathroom light, but standing in a high-tech laboratory about to be assessed by the Visia machine, my confidence rapidly (3) away. The machine was going to examine the condition of my skin and measure features invisible to the (4) eye, such as pigmentation, wrinkles and, most (5) , and, worryingly, sun damage. The dreaded (6) of truth came as my face was manoeuvred into the correct (7) to appear on the super-sized screen in front of me. At the click of a mouse, Visia would reveal my wrinkles – well, if I’d had any, they would have (8) as wavy green lines. So far so good. But then another click and another view and it looked as if an awful (9) was eating away at my face. This was damage caused by (10) to sunlight and it was not good news. The worrying thing is that it may well turn into real-life wrinkles – not just wavy green lines on the computer screen. The moral of this story? Be careful what you wish for. It looks as if my teenage wish to look older will be granted, just a decade too late. 0 A intended B liked C used D wanted 1 A up B away C out D down 2 A aspect B outlook C appearance D prospect 3 A washed B disappeared C diminished D faded 4 A naked B plain C nude D bare 5 A necessarily B considerably C importantly D essentially 6 A instant B moment C imagine D point 7 A location B situation C angle D position 8 A picked out B shown up C made out D drawn up 9 A fever B suffering C injury D disease 10 A exposure B contact C association D proximity SPRACHVERWENDUNG IM KONTEXT Ich kann auch komplexe grammatische, lexikalische und argumentative Strukturen erkennen und präzise anwenden. !! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv