way2go! 8, Schulbuch

131 parents the equivalent of hundreds of euros. But graduation doesn’t mark the end of school. Russian pupils are still expected to pass an official state exam to be considered graduates. If you attend the graduation at Indiana’s Notre Dame College in the USA, it isn’t advisable to sit behind the School of Architecture graduates as the view will be impaired. These graduating students take the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they’ve mastered during their undergraduate studies by adorning their mortarboards with miniature scale models of famous buildings. It’s not unusual to see the unmistakable edifice of the Taj Mahal, the Gateway Arch or the Empire State Building perched on top of someone’s head. One inventive student even made an ingenious little tree house hat using a stalk of broccoli! On a serious note, these miniature models give the graduands the chance to display their newlylearned skills of precision and ingenuity. If it’s the night before graduation at Liberty University, Virginia, USA, and you need a nurse, just follow the billowing smoke belching into the night sky. That’s where you’ll find the soon-to-be graduates of this private nursing school. While most students can wear whatever they want in class, nursing students must wear scrubs. It’s good practice for the real job, but it also means that, as a poor college student, you don’t get to change outfits too much, so the scrubs have seen some serious action. That’s why it’s simply best just to burn them. After years of hard work and long, sleepless nights of study, the senior nursing students gather together for a bonfire. They celebrate freedom from their studies by flinging their scrubs into the flames. At least there are plenty of almostmedical professionals on hand if something bad happens. 0 Graduation ceremonies play an important role in . celebrating completed studies 1 The size of Swedish graduations makes them . 2 Parents get the chance to tease their Swedish offspring in that . 3 The residents of a town celebrate graduates together in Sweden by . 4 Connections are made between younger and older students in Russia by . 5 Russian students can’t yet relax after graduation because . 6 The graduate architects show off their abilities by . 7 Nursing graduates are happy to dispose of their scrubs because . Discuss the different graduation ceremonies in small groups. Which one would you enjoy? Expand your vocabulary: Celebrating a big moment Complete the following expressions from the text. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. SPEAKING 23 LANGUAGE 24 a to mark … b to be a rite … c to throw … d to be decked … e to wear… f to sing … and … g to present … h to take part … i to plant … j to perform … k to demonstrate … l to gather … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv